Welcome to Training Day Detroit High School Journalism Program
Today’s Agenda Introductions Special guests Basic program info, dates and Q&A LUNCH! Newswriting and style tips Breakout session: What’s in a name? Camera handout
Joy Visconti: About me Started as director in January I have worked in the newspaper industry for nearly 20 years, the past 10 focused on journalism education. I have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, both in journalism, and both from Michigan State University. Go Green! I worked for my junior high newspaper, high school newspaper and college newspaper.
Joy Visconti: Contact me Cell/text: Instagram: Joyashlyn You can call, text and . I’m good about returning messages in a timely manner and answering calls and texts in the evening.
Joy Visconti: Class visits I am available for schools visits during the week. I am here for all of you. So use me. Every school also will have an assigned mentor from Crain. Use him or her. Need help with story planning, organization, writing or editing? Use us.
Detroit HSJP History Partners Goals MIPA Benefits
History The Detroit HSJP began in We marked our 30 th anniversary with special “where are they now” articles in all four of last year’s editions. We are looking forward to the next 30 years now.
Partners: MSU Last year, Michigan State took over the management of the program, and you will see its stamp on the program this year.
Partners: Crain We now welcome Crain to the Detroit High School Journalism Program.
Partners: Ford The Ford Scholarship. Yes, it will continue. More details to come.
Goals Help students become better writers Help students become college ready Publish four great newspapers Tell stories about your communities Increase our Web and social media presence What else?
MIPA Wednesday, Oct. 21—MIPA in Lansing -We have chartered a bus and will pay your registration fees. -Depart Detroit 7 a.m., return 3:30 p.m. -Each school will have at least three (and likely four) seats on the bus. Advisers are encouraged to attend. -If you have students who wish to drive separately, we will pay for them. -Students are responsible for their own lunch (nearby). Advisers may attend luncheon or eat with students.
MIPA Please welcome MIPA executive director Jeremy Steele to talk about your new MIPA membership. Listserv/adviser support CONTESTS! Spring conference Summer scholarships
Benefits Education and training Conference fees Transportation Equipment AP Stylebook What else do you want? What else do you need?
Print Dates Our publication dates are: Oct. 28 Dec. 16 Feb. 24 May 18 **These are Wednesdays**
Editing sessions These can be done in your classroom, at Crain or at another location. In person is best, but we can do some online editing as well. Until our new content management system is up and running, please create a Gmail account and use Google Drive. I have created folders for all of you. I will you the details.
Editing sessions As requested, I will create a signup for editing sessions for the entire year so you can request days off now. With mentors now involved in the program, there likely will be more flexibility with sessions.
October Editing: Oct. 12 through Oct. 16 Pages to designer: Tuesday, Oct. 21 Pages to printer: Monday, Oct. 26 Delivery: Wednesday, Oct. 28
December Editing: Nov. 31 through Dec. 4 Pages to designer: Tuesday, Dec. 8 Pages to printer: Monday, Dec. 14 Delivery: Wednesday, Dec. 16
February Editing: Feb (Note: Winter break is Feb ; final articles must be turned by Friday, Feb. 12.) Pages to designer: Tuesday, Feb. 16 Pages to printer: Monday, Feb. 22 Delivery: Wednesday, Feb. 24
May Editing: May 2-6 Pages to designer: Tuesday, May 10 Pages to printer: Monday, May 16 Deliver: Wednesday, May 18
Social Media We only publish four times a year, but we need to provide information all year – and we want your schools to expect it. Assign a social media editor. Create accounts for your school. What can we do as a group?
Our website Let’s think beyond just republishing articles from the print paper. We can do videos, photo galleries, pull content from YouTube and Twitter. Will students at your school read your website?