IWMI- Asia Uptake, Priorities and Synergies Farah Ahmed Coordinator for research into Impacts, Asia
FOCUS AREAS IN ASIA Country plans for uptake - India Nepal Sri Lanka Central Asia India 1.Healthy Ganga Project (WLE) 2.UTFI (Underground Taming of Floods) 3.IBFI (Index Based Flood Insurance) 4.ESPA (ecosystem services for poverty alleviation)
COUNTRY FOCUS AREAS Nepal 1.Feminization of agriculture –uptake project 2. Environmental Flows in Nepal – Providing training to government officials 3. Connecting Farmers’ Voices Study Uptake 4. Multiple-use water systems (MUS) Impact study (Uptake project funded by iDE) 5. International conference on MUS in Nepal – November Nepal National Water Week Activities completed in March 2015 Sri Lanka 1.Installation of 5 weather stations in Sri Lanka – World bank won project Central Asia 1.Licorice uptake project Laos 1.Regional level donor mapping and stakeholder mapping analysis 2.Media workshop with CCAF on climate smart village 3.Dissemination of current published IWMI and WLE research findings at the 2 nd NAFRI-IRAS forum on Climate adaptation in Agriculture sector in Lao 4.Sharing of research results of groundwater for small irrigation in the national level in Laos
EVENTS PLANNED FOR THE YEAR 2015 Nepal 1.A communications clinic planned in the first week of 5th October for the Nepal team 2. MUS international conference in November, Uptake training/clinic to be organized around the same time in November (potential) 5. A one-day training on eflows planned for Oct first week 2015 in Kathmandu India 1.Feminization in Agriculture – Asia regional policy meet November 23rd or 24th 2.IWMI 30 year celebration event sometime in November 3.ESPA Policy workshop Sri Lanka 1.Inception workshop on weather station with key stakeholders – Dec Central Asia – 1. Workshop on scaling up Licorice -policy dialogues with government officials, donors and academic institutions –Oct- Nov (Tentative)
OPPORTUNITIES FOR SYNERGIES Capacity strengthening at the regional level – 1.Trainings on how to develop an impact pathways and theory of chain for research projects and identifying uptake opportunities 2.Trainings on how to develop an uptake strategy incorporating a communications plan 3.Uptake tools and resource materials-Stakeholder mapping, outcome mapping, Log Frame, Impact assessment tools etc (compilation of a list available online) 4.External sharing of uptake experiences from other organisations (presentation and reading material available online) 5.Find synergies between research projects uptake plans(IWMI and WLE)to leverage upon platforms that can lead to common outcomes 6.Support regional/country uptake and communication specialists to learn from other regions experiences Identify project level opportunities – 1.How we can find synergies between WLE and IWMI projects 2.Policy level dialogues 3.Round table discussions and individual meetings 4.Look at M&E framework and identify entry points for uptake opportunities 5.Identifying outcome stories 6.Increase visibility of IWMI & WLE research based solutions to overcome development challenges through events, media, social network and attending important workshop/meeting/events organized by key government counterparts
THANK YOU For More Information, Contact – Farah Ahmed –