Toni Morrae Vallot Major: Bachelor of arts in music
Baton rouge, LA (Louisiana) How many miles away is the college from your home? 427 miles / 7 hours, 42 minutes What is the climate for this area? Summers are extremely hot and humid, particularly during the sunny months of July & August when temperatures around 32.c / 90.f with sunny, fine weather throughout the year.
Per semester: $9,684 Per year: $19,684 For all 4 years of college: $ 77,472 How will you pay for college expenses? I will take a part time job close to the University, still having availability for money, also saving money before college. What scholarships are offered by your college? How will you apply? I will apply for a scholarship by mentally trying my best at music, even starting in high school. What scholarships are offered by your local high school? How do you qualify? They will find the awarded in the high school and mail them a scholarship. Some are for the whole ride!
1# Apply. 2# Verification. 3# Award. 4# Disturbment(s). What is the minimum GPA required in order to be accepted by this college? Minimum expectations for consideration for admissions are 3.0 Academic GPA. What is the required SAT/ACT scores needed to apply? Must have an ACT English sub score of at least 18 and a SAT critical rating of 450. Does your school require community service? If so, what kind? Yes. There current project is to promote and coordinate volunteer service, build partnership, and have a life long community. Does your school require you to be involved in extra, curricular activities? Which extra curricular will you be involved in? Yes. I will take French, Math, and Journalism. Does your major require you to have work experience in your field of interest? ( Music ) No, there are 50 to 90 minute rehearsals. Are there specific high school classes required for your degree? Yes, math.
It’s close to where most of my family lives, incase of a family emergency and all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles have been there, enourageing me to go.
From how my maturity level is now, I find my self as a piano player/singer. But that’s how I want my whole experience to be, a piano player because its exciting and loving to me, kind of like a talent.