August 17, 2015 Sarah O. Edwards Assistant General Counsel Office of Legal Affairs The Campus SaVE Act: Understanding the Problems of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
UNC Charlotte prohibits sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Students or employees who perpetrate any of these offenses can be disciplined. Students or employees who are victims of this conduct can receive services and accommodations to help remedy the harmful effects.
Federal law
Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE Act) part of Violence Against Women Act reauthorization requires education programs for: incoming students new employees also provides procedural protections to student and employee victims (similar to Title IX) Federal law
Employees – UP 101.3, Relationships between Students and University Employees UP 101.9, Employee Assistance Program UP , Workplace Violence UP 502, Sexual Harassment and Grievance Procedure Students – UP 406, Code of Student Responsibility University Policies
(1) Rape – vaginal intercourse with a child; OR by force and against the will of the other person; OR with a person who is mentally disabled or physically helpless (2)Sexual offense – oral sex, anal intercourse, or penetration by any object into the genital or anal opening of another person’s body with a child; OR by force and against the will of the other person; OR with a person who is mentally disabled or physically helpless (3) Sexual battery – for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, a person engages in sexual contact with another person by force and against the will of the other person; OR who is mentally disabled or physically helpless North Carolina law
Domestic violence = physical/sexual violence (or causing substantial emotional distress by placing person in fear of such violence) committed by a current or former spouse household member parent the other parent of your child opposite sex dating partner * can qualify for Domestic Violence Protection Order North Carolina law
Stalking = willfully on more than one occasion harasses another person without legal purpose or willfully engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person without legal purpose and the defendant knows or should know that the harassment or the course of conduct would cause a reasonable person to do any of the following: (1) fear for the person’s safety or the safety of the person’s immediate family or close personal associates (2) suffer substantial emotional distress by placing that person in fear of death, bodily injury, or continued harassment North Carolina law
Discussion A student from one of the athletics teams tells you that she’s having trouble sleeping and is nervous to walk to class by herself because another team member keeps sending mean, almost threatening text messages.
Proactive Students & Employees Bystander intervention Observe Assess ACT Ask for help Create a distraction Talk directly Follow up (Center for Wellness Promotion)
Discussion When you’re walking to your car at the end of the work day, you notice two men, possibly students, arguing heatedly in the parking deck. As you watch from afar, one of the guys pushes the other, whose back slams into the side of a car.
What does abuse look like?
The Cycle of Abuse Copyrighted in 2008 by Jill Cory & Karen McAndless-Davis What does abuse look like?
Proactive Students & Employees Warning Signs of Abusive Relationships distancing someone from family and friends criticizing, insulting, or humiliating someone jealous, possessive, controlling behavior * Center for Wellness Promotion “Interpersonal Violence 101” “Healthy Relationships – Are you Seeing Red, Green, or Somewhere In Between?”
Resources: counseling health or mental health victim advocacy legal assistance Accommodations: University employment transportation academic (if applicable) University housing (if applicable)
Available through court system: Domestic Violence Protective Orders Civil No Contact Orders Campus Police can: honor DVPOs and CNCOs if they’re on file issue/enforce campus no-contact orders or trespass orders Protection ( ecialvictims/domesticviolence/documents/dvprotectiveorder.pdf) ecialvictims/domesticviolence/documents/dvprotectiveorder.pdf