I NTRODUCTION This program will help you improve the main skills needed in work There will be many activities that are fun and inform you
S TATEMENT OF THE P ROBLEM / N EED FOR C ORRECTION OF THIS P ROBLEM It’s just a little bit of work that people need to be the best and get any job that they want. The current workers are starting to need retraining and this is becoming a problem that needs to be fixed which is why we are creating this training program. This problem can be solved by having better communication and problem solving skills.
O VERVIEW OF THIS TRAINING PROGRAM Over all you will have to take a test first to see what you know than you’ll have to take a 6 month course and retake the test after the course is done so we can see how much this has helped you.
B UILDING C OMMUNICATION S KILLS Communication skills help workers in the work place because you have to communicate with people every day and the way you portray yourself to them has a large impact on the company and yourself. This skill is important to your workplace because you communicate with your coworkers in addition to the people you are working for and the people coming to your company to service.
S CENARIO /P ROCEDURES Take a quiz online and the instructors will get the results and judge what projects are needed to help Workers will take a quiz which will be graded Employees will be paired up and you two will come up with a presentation that will engage the audience And then practice communication scenarios
D ESIRED O UTCOME Communication skills will have been increased majorly Workers will be able to communicate and connect will others in a better way Learn new experiences and help yourself succeed in the business
C REATIVITY S KILLS Creativity is what makes something original and makes things extraordinary from your own point of view. This is important for a workplace because in order to make your company the best and outstanding from the others you need to be creative and different from the rest.
S CENARIO /P ROCEDURES We will teach you on how important creativity is. Then we’re going to have an activity where 5 people need to make a presentation about a topic we give them expressing their ideas and after all their presentations we can vote on it and give them a winner.
D ESIRED O UTCOME We hope that all the workers will try they’re hardest to make their presentation the best since there is a prize at the end and will use what they learned in the workplace.
P ROBLEM S OLVING S KILLS Problem solving skills play an important role in a company because if your coworker or manager is not present at the time, you have to figure out a solution on your own and a solution that will benefit the company. At work, problems are at the center of what many people do every day. You're either solving a problem for a client, supporting those who are solving problems, or discovering new problems to solve.
S CENARIO /P ROCEDURES To train new employees and workers for this skill, we are holding seminars and classes within the work building and whoever excels and does well at these events have a better chance of being promoted. You’ll have to attend 4 seminars and 2 classes per week. These classes will show you examples and teach you how to solve problems.
D ESIRED O UTCOME This course will enable you to use a combination of analytical and creative skills to solve problems using a simple step by step process that can be used in any problem situation.
D ECISION MAKING SKILLS Decision making skill are skills that help you make right decisions quickly. Being able to maintain a clear vision of your goal and work towards it are important skills in the workplace. To do this effectively, you need to be assertive and be able to make appropriate decisions in a timely manner.
S CENARIO / PROCEDURES We will teach you how to make right decisions and have a group of 15 people and one person makes the decisions. Then we let the other 14 people make up different problems that need to be solved and we give that one person 5 minutes to make the right decision and we can judge based on that.
D ESIRED O UTCOME This activity will help you to make better decisions. If you’re having trouble we will keep doing this activity until you’ve improved in this skill. Also, we want to have the employees make the best decisions in the shortest amount of time so we hope with the practicing that they start to make quick and right decisions further on.
S UMMARY From this training program, employees should have achieved and enhanced their communication, creativity, problem solving and decision making skills. These skills will help the workers by giving them a higher chance in promotion. The skills that they have earned will help the company by having more intelligent employees which will benefit the company. The skills which have been increased through out the course will help the employees be successful because they will just have more knowledge.