September 17, 2015
7,000+ employees including Police, Fire, Public Works, Library, Health Department and other administrative support departments Approximately 100 work locations scattered throughout the City Many employees work out in the “field” during workday Employees work a variety of hours and shifts depending upon the department City provides Health Insurance coverage to both active employees and retirees (22,000 membership) Healthcare costs had been increasing around 8-9% each year ◦ Expenditures approximately $139M in
2009 ◦ Negotiated labor contracts that included Wellness Program because employees and labor groups wanted to control health care costs ◦ Joint Labor-Management Committee (9 individuals from Labor and 3 from Management) forms and meets regularly to design Wellness Program 2010 ◦ Wellness and Promotion Labor Management Committee develops 3-step wellness program, completes RFP process, and selects Workforce Health to be partner for the Wellness Your Choice Milwaukee program ◦ City Wellness Program begins Includes tobacco cessation classes for those who use tobacco, and a variety of worksite programs and activities led by Workforce Health 3
2010 ◦ All employees and spouses offered 3-Step Wellness Health Appraisal process including lab work, on-line questionnaire and coaching session ◦ Over 80% participation has remained constant since program inception ◦ Members choosing not to participate pay monthly health assessment fee 2012 ◦ Implement benefit design changes to health plan including 12% employee premium payment, deductibles, co-insurance and out of pocket maximum ◦ Switch from insured HMO to self-funded EPO ◦ Continue to partner with UHC and with Workforce Health (WFH) on health and wellness initiatives 2013 ◦ Continue Wellness program and added onsite Wellness Center so WFH coaches and program leaders have a City worksite ◦ WFH also provides services outside of City Hall complex 2014 ◦ Expand 3-Step wellness initiative and add Healthy Rewards Program Outcomes based program to keep people engaged year round in wellness activities and programs Employees earn points through biometrics and activities to qualify for Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) award 4
2015 ◦ Grow the Healthy Rewards program by adding additional point opportunities and increasing participation award ◦ Add onsite Workplace Clinic for employees and spouses ◦ Make health care benefit design changes including Link co-insurance to UHC premium providers Increase deductibles slightly but offset with increased HRA award for Healthy Rewards Change 3 Tier drug co-pay to 20% co-insurance 2016 ◦ No Benefit Design Changes Anticipated ◦ Healthcare premiums for active employees are flat for the fifth year in a row. Reasons include Benefit design changes that encourage more thoughtful and appropriate utilization Switch to self-funding Wellness program and Workplace Clinic 5
6 Number of Participants 83%87% 85% 82% 86%