D-1 Extended Learning Module D Decision Analysis With Spreadsheet Software
D-2 Overview of Module D Lists Lists Basic AutoFilter Basic AutoFilter Custom AutoFilter Custom AutoFilter Conditional Formatting Conditional Formatting Pivot Tables Pivot Tables Back to Decision Support Back to Decision Support
D-3 Introduction Connect to the Web site that supports this text ( and select XLM/D). Connect to the Web site that supports this text ( and select XLM/D). Download the file called XLMD_Customer.xls. Download the file called XLMD_Customer.xls.
D-4 Lists List - a collection of information arranged in columns and rows in which each column displays one particular type of information. List - a collection of information arranged in columns and rows in which each column displays one particular type of information.
D-5 Lists Each column has only one type of information. Each column has only one type of information. The first row in the list contains the labels or column headings. The first row in the list contains the labels or column headings. The list does not contain any blank rows. The list does not contain any blank rows. The list is bordered on all four sides by blank rows and blank columns. The list is bordered on all four sides by blank rows and blank columns.
D-6 Lists List definition table - a description of a list by column. List definition table - a description of a list by column. The columns of information in Figure D.2 include: The columns of information in Figure D.2 include: CUST ID – a unique ID for each customer REGION – the region in which the customer lives RENT VS. OWN – whether the customer rents or owns a home NUM HOUSEHOLD – number of family members ANNUAL INCOME – total combined annual income TOTAL PURCHASES – dollar total of all purchases made by the customer within the last six months NUM PURCHASES – count of all purchase made by the customer within the last six months.
D-7 Lists Column headings Each column has only one type of information.
D-8 Basic AutoFilter AutoFilter function - filters a list and allows you to hide all the rows in a list except those that match criteria you specify. AutoFilter function - filters a list and allows you to hide all the rows in a list except those that match criteria you specify. To use AutoFilter: To use AutoFilter: Click in any cell in the list. Click on Data, point at Filter, and click on AutoFilter. Click on a list arrow box and choose filtering.
D-9 Basic AutoFilter Shows only customers in the North REGION.
D-10 Basic AutoFilter You can filter on multiple columns. You can filter on multiple columns. Customers in the North REGION who own a home with only 1 household member.
D-11 Custom AutoFilter Custom AutoFilter function - allows you to hide all the rows in a list except those that match criteria, besides “is equal to,” you specify. Custom AutoFilter function - allows you to hide all the rows in a list except those that match criteria, besides “is equal to,” you specify. To perform Custom AutoFilter, click on (Custom…) in list arrow box. To perform Custom AutoFilter, click on (Custom…) in list arrow box. To see all customers who have at least 4 people in their household, perform the steps on the following slides. To see all customers who have at least 4 people in their household, perform the steps on the following slides.
D-12 Custom AutoFilter Select (Custom…) from list arrow box for NUM HOUSEHOLD. Select (Custom…) from list arrow box for NUM HOUSEHOLD.
D-13 Custom AutoFilter You will then see a Custom AutoFilter box. You will then see a Custom AutoFilter box.
D-14 Custom AutoFilter In top-left entry box, click on the pull-down arrow and click on is greater than. In top-left entry box, click on the pull-down arrow and click on is greater than.
D-15 Custom AutoFilter In top-right entry box, click on the pull down arrow and click on 3. In top-right entry box, click on the pull down arrow and click on 3.
D-16 Custom AutoFilter Only customers with more than four people in their households.
D-17 Custom AutoFilter You can also use “and” and “or” with Custom AutoFilter. You can also use “and” and “or” with Custom AutoFilter. What customers have spent less than $20 or more than $100 in the past six months? What customers have spent less than $20 or more than $100 in the past six months?
D-18 Custom AutoFilter
D-19 Custom AutoFilter Only customers who have spent less than $20 or more than $100
D-20 Conditional Formatting Conditional formatting - highlights the information in a cell that meets some criteria you specify. Conditional formatting - highlights the information in a cell that meets some criteria you specify. To conditionally format in red all TOTAL PURCHASES greater than $100, perform the steps on the following slides. To conditionally format in red all TOTAL PURCHASES greater than $100, perform the steps on the following slides.
D-21 Conditional Formatting Select entire TOTAL PURCHASES column. Select entire TOTAL PURCHASES column.
D-22 Conditional Formatting Click on Format and then Conditional Formatting. Click on Format and then Conditional Formatting.
D-23 Conditional Formatting Pull down arrow for the field second from the left and click on the greater than. Pull down arrow for the field second from the left and click on the greater than. In the field on the right, enter 100. In the field on the right, enter 100. Click on Format. Click on Format.
D-24 Conditional Formatting Click on Patterns tab. Click on Patterns tab. Choose the color red. Choose the color red. Click on Ok (twice). Click on Ok (twice).
D-25 Conditional Formatting Only customers whose number of employees exceeds 100 are highlighted in red.
D-26 Pivot Tables Pivot table - enables you to group and summarize information. Pivot table - enables you to group and summarize information.
D-27 Pivot Tables To create a pivot table, perform the following steps: To create a pivot table, perform the following steps: Click on Data and then PivotTable and PivotChart Report. In Step 1 of 3, click on Next. In Step 2 of 3, click on Next. In Step 3 of 3, click on Finish.
D-28 Pivot Tables First, from the menu bar, click on Data and then PivotTable and PivotChart Report. First, from the menu bar, click on Data and then PivotTable and PivotChart Report.
D-29 Pivot Tables Second, click on Next in the Step 1 of 3 box. Second, click on Next in the Step 1 of 3 box. Assumes pivot table will come from a list. Assumes pivot table will come from a list.
D-30 Pivot Tables Third, click on Next in the Step 2 of 3 box. Third, click on Next in the Step 2 of 3 box. This defaults to the entire list. This defaults to the entire list.
D-31 Pivot Tables Fourth, click on Finish in the Step 3 of 3 box. Fourth, click on Finish in the Step 3 of 3 box. This places the pivot table in a new worksheet. This places the pivot table in a new worksheet.
D-32 Pivot Tables You will then see a skeletal structure of a pivot table. You will then see a skeletal structure of a pivot table.
D-33 Pivot Tables We want to build a pivot table just the like the one in Figure D.1 on page 225. We want to build a pivot table just the like the one in Figure D.1 on page 225. It shows number of customers by REGION and RENT VS OWN. It shows number of customers by REGION and RENT VS OWN.
D-34 Pivot Tables From Pivot Table Field List box: From Pivot Table Field List box: Drag REGION and drop it into “Drop Row Fields Here.” Drag RENT VS OWN and drop it into “Drop Column Fields Here.” Drag CUST ID and drop it into “Drop Data Items Here.” Result is shown on next slide. Result is shown on next slide.
D-35 Pivot Tables Drag and drop CUST ID here. Drag and drop REGION here. Drag and drop RENT VS. OWN here.
D-36 Pivot Tables The default aggregation is by summing, not what we want. The default aggregation is by summing, not what we want. To change to counting of CUST ID, perform the steps on the following slides. To change to counting of CUST ID, perform the steps on the following slides.
D-37 Pivot Tables Click on the Field Settings button in the Pivot Table toolbar. Click on the Field Settings button in the Pivot Table toolbar.
D-38 Pivot Tables Click on Count in Summarize by: Click on Count in Summarize by: Click on OK. Click on OK.
D-39 Pivot Tables Now, the pivot table counts the number of customers.
D-40 Pivot Tables You can add as many pieces of information to a pivot table as you want. You can add as many pieces of information to a pivot table as you want. We added TOTAL PURCHASES in Figure D.13. (p. 238) We added TOTAL PURCHASES in Figure D.13. (p. 238)
D-41 Pivot Tables Drag and drop TOTAL PURCHASES here to obtain a summary of another dimension of information.
D-42 BACK TO DECISION SUPPORT AutoFilter - helps you quickly create a view of a partial list of information. Conditional Formatting - maintains the view of the entire list of information but highlights key pieces of information that you may be looking for. Pivot table - helps you quickly aggregate or summarize information by dimension.
D-43 Summary Student Learning Outcomes Define a list and list definition table within the context of spreadsheet software and describe the importance of each Compare and contrast the AutoFilter function and Custom AutoFilter function in spreadsheet software Describe the purpose of using conditional formatting Define a pivot table and describe how you can use it to view summarized information by dimension.