WBS1 SBS Basic: Magnet and Infrastructure Robin Wines 11/4/2013 1 SBS DOE Review.


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Presentation transcript:

WBS1 SBS Basic: Magnet and Infrastructure Robin Wines 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

FY13 Scope of Work 11/4/2013 SBS DOE Review 2 FY13 Magnet analysis Experiment layouts in Hall A 48D48 magnet transfer from BNL Magnet Yoke Modifications Power Supply selection and procurement Design and Procure New Coils Engineering of Support Structure/Magnet Platform Engineering of Detector Supports Engineering of Beam pipe and Shielding Engineering of Field Clamps

Hall A Dump Beam Line Truck Ramp HRS-R HRS-L Utilities Floor plates SBS BigBite Beam Line Developed detailed floor plan of Hall A, existing equipment and SBS experiment configurations Presently working on Hall configuration to allow clearance for truck ramp during operation Modifying and relocating LCW and power utilities for SBS and future experiments 11/4/ SBS DOE Review Hall A is ~50 meter diameter with a 20 ton overhead crane capacity Two existing HRS,HRS-R rotates to a maximum of 120 degrees

Kinematics of SBS SBS Program is defined by three experiments, each with multiple configurations of equipment. Each configuration has been modeled and the required layout of Hall has been determined. 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

Layout of GMn Calibration Q 2 = 6.0GeV 2 Calibration uses SBS at 3.0 m from target, HRS-R and HCal at 17m from target HRS-R angles from 30.9 to 69.1 degrees and SBS angles of 15.6 and 31.1 degrees 11/4/ SBS DOE Review HRS-R HRS-L SBS

Layout of GEn Q 2 = 10.18GeV 2 GEn uses SBS at 2.8 m from target, BigBite at 1.5 m from target and HCal at 17m from target SBS angles of 17.5 to 39.4 degrees and BigBite angles of 34 and 40 degrees 11/4/ SBS DOE Review HRS-RHRS-L SBS BigBite

Layout of GEp Q 2 =12.0GeV 2 GEp uses SBS at 1.6 m, HCal at 6.8 m and Electron Arm at 3 to 4.2 m from target SBS at angles 16.9 to 28.2 degrees and Electron Arm at angles 26.1 to 29 degrees 11/4/ SBS DOE Review HRS-RHRS-L SBS HCal ECal

Layout of GMn Q 2 = 13.5GeV 2 GMn uses SBS at 1.6 to 3.1 m, BigBite at 1.55 to 2.1 m and HCal at 6.8 to 17 m from target SBS at angles 13.3 to 24.7 degrees and BigBite at angles 32.5 to 64.3 degrees 11/4/ SBS DOE Review HCal BigBite SBS HRS-LHRS-R

BNL to Jlab, Magnet Transfer 11/4/ SBS will utilize the BNL 48D48 Dipole magnet 48D48 is 1.2 meters long dipole with gap of 47cm x 122cm, designed to operate at current of 4000 A SBS requires modification of the Yoke to allow beamline clearance and purchase of new coils to operate at maximum current of 2000A Jlab received two yokes and one set of coils from BNL in August 2013 Assembly hardware was not received from BNL, so new hardware is being designed (+$14k) SBS DOE Review

SBS Dipole Yoke Modifications SBS Yoke requires cutout in yoke return to allow placement of beam pipe at various angles Determined cutout through TOSCA analysis, allowing clearance for change out of beam pipe sections Requires 13” vertical gap cutout in two sections Assembly procedure of yoke and hardware requirements are determined STATUS Machining drawings in procurement Bids due December 5th 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

SBS Coils and Power Supply Power Supply Requires 2200A, 638kW supply STATUS Contract awarded August 2013 Design review scheduled for November, delivery scheduled for late June 2014, utilize in September 2014 Coils New racetrack coils allow easy rotation of magnet and clearance of beam pipe New saddle coils allow close proximity of detectors to magnet Max current of 2000A, water-cooled conductor, dT < 5C at 100GPM STATUS 4 bids, all above budgeted cost Testing BNL saddle coils as backup Alternate plan = purchase racetrack coils only and use one BNL saddle coil. BNL coils are longer, forcing detectors to lose some acceptance.(~10%) 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

SBS Support Structure GEp experiment configurations require short distance between target to SBS Magnet Support of SBS is limited by HRS links and pivot location Resulted in a counterweight support system with magnet loaded on edge of frame- FEA analysis completed and preparing for internal engineering review in November. (Analysis in Breakout session) Using 2 nd yoke pieces from BNL as counterweight, only frame to be fabricated - On track for procurement in January 2014 Structure rolls on 2” surfaced floor plates, using hydraulic cylinders for lift and Hilman rollers - Rollers and counterweight material are existing in-house Floor plate drawings ready for procurement Detector supports to be integrated into frame design 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

SBS Beam pipe and shielding Beam pipe to be designed to deliver beam to dump in multiple configurations Design to allow sections to be changed for different configurations Utilizing layers of shielding and solenoid magnets to reduce field in beam pipe STATUS Iterating through TOSCA analysis to minimize number of beam pipe sections and solenoids needed to meet configuration requirements Design is 30% done. On track to complete in February /4/ SBS DOE Review Plot of Bx along beam line from target. No shielding applied to beam line results in integral of T-m. Need shielding to remove “spike” in field.

SBS Field clamps Upstream field clamps needed to limit target field, less than 40 G. Downstream field clamps needed to limit detector field Field clamp supports designed for adjustability STATUS Design of SBS field clamps complete BNL and new Jlab saddle coils different in length; changes location and size of field clamps, drawings on hold until saddle coil is determined Additional field clamp/shielding needed for BigBite configurations, design in progress 50% complete on all field clamp work 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

SBS and BigBite Analysis 2011 Review Recommendation to study affects of SBS and BigBite magnets on each other. Completed TOSCA study of SBS and BigBite in close proximity as in GMn experiment No change in SBS or BigBite field profiles (more in Breakout session) Remnant field of 100 Gauss close to BigBite detectors Additional shielding to be designed for BigBite detectors 11/4/ SBS DOE Review SBS BigBite yoke 1000G 500G 100G

SBS Program Assembly and Testing Preliminary assembly plan of SBS magnet completed to determine assembly hardware. Magnet to be assembled in TestLab facility to avoid interference with Hall A experiment schedule. Preparing area for July 2014 testing. Power supply to be installed and tested in Hall A, in process of upgrading LCW and power. Manpower Hall A Design/Engineering – 3 designers, 2 engineers, 1 engineering associate Hall Coordinator and 6 technicians In FY14, SBS Program requires 68 manweeks design, 25 manweeks engineering and 30 manweeks technicians Hall A to be ready to receive beam February 2014, sharing SBS resources to prepare Hall for next experiment run period. Sufficient resources to accommodate SBS Program goals. 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

SBS ESH &Q 11/4/2013 SBS DOE Review 17 Fully integrate ESH&Q into planning,design, fabrication and installation Conducting design and safety reviews of major subsystems before fabrication and installation; such as review of support structure engineering. Coordinating work of outside institutions to insure Jlab policies are followed; Collaborators present designs for review in weekly meetings. Utilizing Jlab screened vendors and requiring vendor’s to have quality program in use. As program progresses into fabrication and installation, Will perform hazard analysis and utilizing Jlab safety system for all testing and commissioning activities; such as load testing, weld inspection, TOSPs, coil acceptance tests, pre-assembly and testing of magnet. Each SBS Experiment will be required to complete the Jlab Readiness Review process.

SBS Progress 11/4/2013 SBS DOE Review 18 WBS 1.1 Magnet Analysis – Completed TOSCA analysis for yoke cutout design, SBS and BigBite interaction and field clamp design. 30% complete on beam line shielding iterations. (FY13) Experiment Layouts – completed (FY13) BNL 48D48 Magnet – Received two yokes and one set of coils August 22 nd. (FY13) Magnet Yoke Modifications – Completed design, drawings out for bid, bids due December 5 th. (FY14) Power Supply – Contract awarded August 30 th. Delivery June (FY13) New Coils – 4 bids received October 14 th. Requested Best & Finals on November 1 st. Alternate plan if coil bids remain above program budget. (FY13)

SBS Progress 11/4/2013 SBS DOE Review 19 WBS 1.1 (continued) Field clamps – 50% complete. Field clamps needed April 2015.(FY14) WBS 1.2 Support Structure/Magnet Platform – 80% complete. Reviewing engineering design, ready for procurement January Platform needed July (FY14) Detector Supports – 40% complete. Detector supports needed March (FY14) WBS 1.3 Beam pipe and shielding – 20% complete. Beam line needed September (FY14)

BACKUP SBS 11/4/2013 SBS DOE Review 20

SB S Calorimeter

SBS Design/Engineering Plan Design and Engineering Procurement/ FabricationMilestone Activitydesengearly design finish late proc/fab startDuration mw 1 Magnet yoke received (FY13) August 2013(actual) 2 Magnet yoke modifications(FY14)624-Oct-1313-Dec-1318Apr-14 3 New coils(FY13)2213-Sep-1319-Sep-1328Apr-14 4 Magnet assembly hardware(FY14)418-Nov-1314-Feb-148Jul-14 5 Assemble magnet (Testlab) (FY14)4222-Nov May- 146Jul-14 6 Commissioning tests of magnet (Testlab) (FY14) 2 12-Sep-144Sep-14 7 Power supply(FY13) 11-Oct-1312Jan-14 8 Power supply test (Hall A)(FY14) 1 15-Mar-144Sep-14 9 Magnet support structure (FY14)8313-Dec-1325-Jan-1424Jul Detector supports (FY14-FY15)22814-Mar-1416-Jan-1512Mar Field clamps and supports (FY14)637-Feb-1415-Aug-148Apr Beamline supports(FY14)4120-Dec-133-May-1410Sep Shielded beampipe and vacuum chamber(FY14)6318-Jan-1418-Oct-1424Apr Beampipe solenoid correctors (FY14)4222-Feb-1412-Sep-1416Jan Pole inserts (FY14)218-Mar-146-Dec-144Feb-15 11/4/ SBS DOE Review

11/4/2013 SBS DOE Review 24