The Millennium Project … An invitation to Deloitte.
METHODS AND TOOLS FOR FUTURE EXPLORATION AND DECISION MAKING IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY AND FAST DEVELOPING TECHNOLOGICAL DOMAIN: A CASE OF NANOTECHNOLOGY Dr. Nadezhda Gaponenko Head of Department, Russian Institute of Economy, Policy and Law, Director of the Russian Node of the Millennium Project, AC/ UNU; Second International Seville Seminar on Future- oriented Technology Analysis: Impact of FTA Approaches on Policy and Decision Making- Seville September 2006
Deloitte & Touche is invited to Sponsor of the Futures Dictionary Sponsor the Mexican Node Sponsor Mexican Edition of the State of the Future Collaboration in research
The 2003 State of the Future is an exceedingly valuable and unique resource for corporate strategic planning --- Michael Stoneking, Partner Delotte & Touche, Cleveland Millennium Project Sponsor from 1998 to the present
The State of the Future is a good example of building collective intelligence based on a large network across the world. --- Philippe Busquin, Commissioner Research European Commission
My colleagues and I at the United Nations find the State of the Future's annual guidance invaluable. --- Michael Doyle, UN Assistant Secretary- General and Special Advisor to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
Many kinds of policy-makers can get inspiration from the State of the Future Tetsuo Saito, Diet Member and Former Vice Minister for Science and Technology, Japan
The State of the Future offers us a creative and new project of hope. --- Frederico Mayor, former Director-General of UNESCO
Published around the world Chinese Editions: Chinese Finance and Economic Publishing House, Peoples Republic of China (the publisher for the Chinese editions of the annual IMF and World Bank reports Farsi Editions, MATN Co., and the Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance, Tehran, Iran Spanish Editions: National School of Intelligence, Buenos Aires, Argentina Czech and Slovakian Editions: Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep. Academy of Science Bratislava, Slovakia Partial translations in French, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, and Portuguese
Some Awards and International Recognition Picked 5 out of 7 years as among the best books of the year by future by Future Survey, of the World Future Society US Dept of Energy rate the Millennium Project among best foresight organizations in the world and the only truly global one UN Habitat Best Practices UNA-USA – three annual awards TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, journals
Millennium Project Nodes Government Institutions Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Chinese Academy of Natural Sciences Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Slovakian Academy of Sciences Private Companies in Tokyo (aerospace) Berlin (futures planning) Buenos Aires (futures planning) Silicon Valley (USA) (venture capital) New Delhi (futures, strategy planning) Universities in Prague London Rome Sao Paulo Cairo Helsinki Tehran Kodaikanal (India) NGOs in Venezuela (WFS chapter) Mexico (new NGO as Node) Kuwait (non-profit research institute) Paris (futurist network)
General Benefits for Sponsors Extended corporate intelligence by acquiring an additional eye on global change that is inter ‑ disciplinary, inter ‑ cultural, inter ‑ institutional. Access to leading futurists, scholars, institutions, and research. Information as it is being generated; input to strategic planning. Current work includes updating 15 Global Challenges, State of the Future Index, Middle East Peace Scenarios, early warning reports environmental security issues, global energy early warning system, and updating Futures Research Methodology version 2.1 Ability to shape the Project's annual program as a member of the Project's Planning Committee (similar to a board of directors) – which meets twice per year. Ability to test and or introduce your new ideas for global feedback Additional channels with international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, universities, and other globally ‑ oriented institutions. Participation in a global improvement community to draw ideas into your organization.
Building on tradition By and for businesses, governments, universities, NGOs, international organizations, and consultants Globalization requires global perspectives and global foresight for improved strategic thinking.
Previous Sponsors Corporations Applied Materials Deloitte & Touche LLP Ford Motor Company General Motors Hughes Space and Communications Monsanto Company Motorola Corporation Pioneer Hi-Bred International Shell International Foundations Alan F. Kay & Hazel Henderson Foundation for Social Innovation Amana-Kay Foundation for Social Innovation Foundation for the Future Government Organizations U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute U.S. Department of Energy Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Kuwait Oil Company UN Organizations UNDP UNESCO United Nations University