In which form of government does the central government hold the most power? A Confederation B Federal C Democracy D Unitary
In which form of government is power controlled by a select few individuals, rather than the citizens? A Autocracy B Oligarchy C Monarchy D Democracy
The government in country X has a central power and multiple regional levels with each level being in charge of certain responsibilities. Power is spread out somewhat evenly through the levels. Based on this information, the government in country X is MOST LIKELY A. Confederation B. Unitary C. Federal D. Anti-Federal
1. Which compares an autocratic to a democratic government? Citizens can participate more in democratic governments. The government has less power in autocratic governments. Citizens can participate more in autocratic governments. Autocratic and democratic governments are the same.
2. The primary difference between presidential and parliamentary governmental systems is that in a parliamentary system the chief executive is chosen by the judicial branch President popular vote legislature
3. Which describes a government that distributes power under a unitary system? There is a central authority that makes all major decisions. The citizens of the country elect leaders at multiple levels that make decisions. A group of separate countries or regions agree to join together for specific purposes. Two or more countries form an alliance to make decisions.
WHAT TYPE OF GOVERNMENT IS THAT? Copy the chart below on to page 7 of your Interactive Notebook. TYPES OF GOVERNMENT DEFINITION “SAY WHAT?” DEFINITION Unitary Confederation Federal Autocratic Oligarchic Democratic Parliamentary Presidential
a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. a system of government having the real executive power vested in a cabinet composed of members of the legislature who are individually and collectively responsible to legislature. May have a Prime Minister elected by the legislature. characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between both central authorities and several regional authorities. government by the few, sometimes in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The citizen has a very limited role. government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role in the government. voluntary associations of independent states, to secure some common purpose, agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and establish some joint machinery of consultation or deliberation. a system of government in which the president is constitutionally independent of the legislature. TYPES OF GOVERNMENTS Read the following descriptions to the right. Examine the prefixes and roots of the words on the chart. Working with a partner match the words to the definitions. Copy the correct definition beside the word being defined. Next, translate the definition into language that you will understand.
Types of Governments Unitary: characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority. Confederation: voluntary associations of independent states, to secure some common purpose, agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and establish some joint machinery of consultation or deliberation. Federal: characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between both central authorities and several regional authorities. Autocratic: government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role in the government. Oligarchic: government by the few, sometimes in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The citizen has a very limited role. Democratic: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. Parliamentary: a system of government having the real executive power vested in a cabinet composed of members of the legislature who are individually and collectively responsible to legislature. May have a Prime Minister elected by the legislature. Presidential: a system of government in which the president is constitutionally independent of the legislature.
Facets of Government
Democracy Republic Power resides with the people Representative Democracy Power exercised by representatives elected by the people People elect representatives to make laws to govern nation. People not directly involved in the running of government. Government by the people Power exercised by the people Rule by the majority People directly involved in running of government. Hard to manage in modern societies. Power resides with the people Republic
How are governmental systems designed? Unitary Confederation Federation
Continuum of Government Structures Draw a continuum and illustrate where unitary, confederation and federation would fall on the continuum. Under each term explain why you placed it where you did on the line.
with the regional governments, and some powers are shared. Unitary would be on one end, with all key powers being held by the central government. Continuum of Government Structures A federal system is in the middle with power being divided between the central government and regional governments. Some powers reside with the central government, some powers reside with the regional governments, and some powers are shared. A confederation would be on the other end with state/regional authorities holding most of the power, creating a much weaker central authority.
AUTOCRATIC GOVERNMENT OLIGARCHIC GOVERNMENT DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT In an autocracy, where most dictators maintain their position via inheritance or military power, the citizen has little, if any, role in the government. People who try to speak out against the government are often silenced through use of power. OLIGARCHIC GOVERNMENT In an oligarchy, a small group exercises control. Communist countries are mostly oligarchies. The citizen has a very limited role in government. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT In a democracy, supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
ECONOMICS VOCABULARY QUIZ TERMS DEFINITIONS ________ 1. Entrepreneur ________ 2. Specialization ________ 3. Quota ________ 4. Mixed Economy ________ 5. Trade Barriers ________ 6. Embargo ________ 7. Protective Tariff ________ 8. Voluntary Trade ________ 9. Political Trade Barrier ________10. Market Economy ________ 11. Literacy Rate ________12. Industrialized Country ________ 13. Capital Goods ________14. Human Capital _______ 15. Gross Domestic Product a. depends on manufacturing b. encourages international trade c. civil war d. A formal halt to trade with a particular country for economic or political reasons. e. blends components of two or more of the economic systems to varying degrees f. investment in technology and training g. A strategy that ends trade barriers by making trade in regions more open and supportive h. slows down or prevents trade or the exchanging of goods between countries i. investment in good healthcare j. A limit to the number or amount of a foreign-produced good that are allowed into the country. k. a tax put on the imported goods coming into a country to make the imported goods more expensive than the domestic goods l. percentage of population that can read and write m. This type of economic system supports individual risk takers n. the market value of all final goods and services officially made within the borders of a country in a year to measure economic status o. People who think of new ways to combine productive resources