Mrs. Anna Ward Ridge Road MS
Continue to sell for the fundraiser Blood drive is Friday after school ◦ 1 donation saves 3 lives ◦ Mr. and Mrs. Ward will be participating ◦ + 10 Extra Credit on Human Body Test if you find an adult to participate ◦ Sign up is with Ms. Wong
Does the water in the bag have the same shape when placed on the table? Our bodies are made mostly of water. Why don’t you and I flatten out on the floor like the water in the bag? Are all skeletons the same for animals? What differences can we find?
What allows for us to move? What would we need to add to our animals to allow them to be able to move?
How many bones are in the human body?
You will have 10 minutes to complete your preliminary design. Once you are cleared, you may begin creating your animal. Do not forget to answer questions 4-7. This is 40% of your grade.
Endoskeleton Grows with organism Can be stronger Can store stuff inside hollow bone Can store minerals Supports large animals BUT… ◦ Limited protection ◦ Doesn’t prevent water loss Exoskeleton Protects a soft body Prevents water loss BUT…. ◦ Skeleton must be shed for new growth ◦ Limits the size of the animal
ms/skeleton/preview.weml ms/skeleton/preview.weml
The Skeletal System is the body system responsible for support and protection. The purpose of the skeletal system is to: ◦ Support ◦ Protect ◦ Provide Movement (along with the Muscular system)
206 bones Some important ones: ◦ Skull—Protects brain ◦ Spine—Protects the spinal cord
Joint types: ◦ Ball and Socket—Shoulder ◦ Hinge—Elbow ◦ Pivot—Neck ◦ Elipsoidal—Wrist ◦ Your hip and knee are complex joints that are made up of more than one joint type.