Genesis 1: Did God really say? When did the dinosaurs live? When was the world created? Can we trust God's written word?
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Non- Christian ideas of Creation: Atheism Pantheism Polytheism Materialism Dualism Humanism Evolutionism All of these ideas say that there is no personal, transcendent God.- taken from The Genesis Record, pg. 38
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Christian beliefs about Creation: Theistic Evolution (Genesis 1 and 2 are symbolic) Day-Age theory Gap Theory Young earth biblical literalists. Undefined age biblical literalists- Universe created in Genesis 1:1-2. Earth prepared and life created in rest of Genesis 1, over six days. The universe is of unknown/ unrevealed age and life on earth was prepared for and created over six literal days.
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Other pagan ideas world expects us to believe but we are called by God to reject: Sex before marriage is normal and expected (versus 1 Thessalonians 4:1- 8) Homosexuality is natural and normal (versus 1 Corinthians 6:9-11) Lying is needed at times (versus Revelation 21:8) Money will make it all better (versus Luke 12:13-34)
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Other pagan ideas world expects us to believe but we are called by God to reject: (Continued) Romantic love is beyond your control (versus 1 Corinthians 13) No one can speak with authority about how someone else should behave morally (versus Luke 3:7-18 The world (and man) evolved from chaos (Gen. 1)
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Other Scientific (and Biblical theories) that have been overturned: “Steady state theory of the universe”- held until the mid 1960s by most cosmologists Bad air and “four humors” causing infection rather than germs. (Germ theory accepted in 1860s). “Spontaneous Generation of Life” discredited by Louis Pasteur in 1800s. Pre-Copernicus idea that the Earth was center of solar system and universe (held by scientists and theologians) Humility about all of our interpretations is needed.
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Recommended resources: The Age of the Universe by Gorman Gray (unidentified age of universe and young age of all biological life) The Expositors Bible Commentary vol. 2, by John Sailhamer The Genesis Record by Henry Morris Scientific Creationism by Henry Morris Answers in Genesis resources at (
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Jonah 1:9 And he said to them, “I am a Hebrew, and I fear the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.” (ESV) “made”- same word used in Genesis 1:16. God created the land (Genesis 1:1) but prepared it just as he revealed or prepared the stars.
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Why did God create the world? And how did He create it? Colossians 1:15-20; chapter 2 versus 6-9; pg in red pew Bible
Genesis 1: Did God really say? What does it mean if I am struggling with believing the doctrine of creation? Hebrews 11:1-3; pg Faith is required for salvation and for belief about creation. Regardless of the arguments that are presented.
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Verse 24, Death wasn't part of the original creation: Romans 8:18-23; pg (the whole world suffers as a result of sin and will one day be restored to how it should be.)
Genesis 1: Did God really say? Verse 24, Is this world as good as it can get? There seems like a lot of hurt and pain if all things were created good: Revelation 21:1-8; pg (We can look forward to that restoration in Jesus Christ).