REQUIRMENTS GATHERING: knowledge of user interface and design
Contents: 1.Introduction: The two types of knowledge needed for user interface design 2.Four psychological principles 3.Three principles from experience: Visibility, affordance, and feedback 4.Design principles and design rules: knowledge for user interface design
1 - Introduction: The two types of knowledge needed for user interface design “Design principles” are abstract, high- level guidelines – difficult to apply “Design rules” are low-level, highly specific instructions
2 - Four psychological principles Users see what they expect to see Example: OK vs. Cancel Example: The principle of consistency The principle of exploiting prior knowledge
2 - Four psychological principles Users have difficulty focusing on more than one activity at a time Multitasking Cocktail party phenomenon The principle of perceptual organization The principle of importance
2 - Four psychological principles It is easier to perceive a structured layout The law of proximity - we group things that are close together The law of similarity - shape, color, or format The law of closure - we tend to fill in the gaps The law of continuity - we look for patterns The law of symmetry - we look for symmetrical borders Figure-ground segregation
2 - Four psychological principles It is easier to recognize something than to recall it Example: grocery list Knowledge in the head and in the world Principle of recognition
3 - Three Principles From Experience: Visibility, Affordance, and Feedback The principle of visibility: it should be obvious what a control is used for
3 - Three Principles From Experience: Visibility, Affordance, and Feedback The principle of affordance: it should be obvious how a control is used
3 - Three Principles From Experience: Visibility, Affordance, and Feedback The principle of feedback: it should be obvious when a control has been used
4 - Design Principles and Design Rules: Knowledge for User Interface Design Design principles Visibility, affordance, feedback Design rules Exercise 5.3 – look for standardization in the Microsoft Office XP software suite Commercial style guides
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