Web Logs: A Positive Approach to Blogging
Hey Everybody! My name is Tek. I ’ m going to be your guide today! I ’ m a part of i-SAFE America, and we are concerned with helping you to be safe online. We want you to recognize and avoid dangerous, destructive or unlawful online behavior, and we hope to empower you to communicate what you learn from i- SAFE with others.
All right – Let’s talk Empowerment Remember - Empowerment means you own what you learn and can use it to teach others and make a difference.
So not only are you learning and sharing, you are getting rewarded for doing so! i-SAFE includes an empowerment activity in every lesson. By completing the activity you may be eligible for neat incentives and prizes. Check it out at – Click on the link to contests and Incentives. Empowerment is the Key to Learning!
In this lesson, you will be reading a newsletter about online blogging and journaling. You will then write sample blogs that are safe. Finally, you will come up with rules for safe journaling. The Plan
All Right – Let’s Get Started Today we’re going to start with a discussion. One new popular way of interacting or communicating online is blogging or web journaling. - What is Blogging or Web Journaling?
Blogging Blogs are another name for Web Journals. Web Journals are maintained in chronological order by date of post. People who read the blog are usually welcome to post replies, their thoughts, etc. This makes most blogs interactive.
Time to Brainstorm There are dangers involved in Blogging. Now think, what are some of the potential dangers of blogging? How can they be prevented?
The Dangers of Blogging Blogging makes the writer feel like they are writing confidentially because they are behind a screen. However, the reality is that anyone online can read the blog. This can be dangerous. Sometimes the writer will reveal information online in a blog that can be used by cyber predators, harassers, identity thieves, etc. Can you put this in your own words so that others can understand it?
It’s time to do an activity… You should have a newsletter on the topic of Blogging. Take some time and read it as a class, in small groups, or individually. Discuss the important points that are covered.
Time for Group Work Your teacher will divide you into groups for the next activity. In your groups you will participate in a mock blogging situation – either online or using worksheets. You will receive a topic to blog on. You will get the chance to blog for a few minutes before changing blogging topics in your group. We’ll meet back here when all the groups are finished.
Let’s Discuss! Ok, so blogging can be lots of fun. Why else can it be beneficial? In the blogs you were writing, did you reveal personal information? Did you write things that could be used by others such as predators or bullies?
Safe Blogging Tips Now that you’ve had a chance to blog and we’ve discussed some pros and cons of blogging, let’s come up with some safe blogging tips. Get back into your groups and brainstorm a few tips to guide others in safe blogging.
Presentation Time Present your safe blogging tips to the class. Then Discuss: How could a few simple guidelines make a difference in keeping you safe while blogging? As a class come up with the five best tips/rules for safe blogging and post in the classroom.
So How Do you Know When You’re Done??? Have you: 1. Completed the Blog activity and written your safety guidelines? 2. Discussed with your class what you have learned? 3. As a class, written five guidelines? 4. Checked out the Contests and Incentives link at
It doesn’t have to end here! Find out about DRiVE!
Take Action It’s Easy with the i-Mentor Training Network! The i-Mentor Training Network has short informative videos that will take you step by step through the process of accomplishing any of the i-SAFE Outreach activities you can do in your school and community. To watch the videos go to the i-Mentor Network located in the Kids and Teens section of the i-SAFE website at Visit the Kids and Teens section at to learn about the i-Mentor Training Network. It’s all online!
Take Action It’s Easy with the i-Mentor Training Network! The i-Mentor Training Network videos were produced for students like you, who care about online safety and want to DRiVE the message to other students, parents, and community members. By watching the training videos you will become a Certified i-Mentor and will be able to teach students, conduct the i-SAFE assembly experience, or be that important link to parents and community leaders by presenting the i- Parent Programs and Community Leaders Meetings.
1.Enroll online at by clicking on Create an Account. 2.Go to the Kids and Teens Section and Submit the Online Mentor Menu. 3.Receive your own Student Toolkit and materials to get started. Get the recognition you deserve as an i-SAFE Mentor Take Action