DO NOW Find your assigned seat. Take out your same sheet of paper from Wednesday. (It should be in the bin.) Set your culture bag on your desk if you have not presented.
PRESENTATIONS When it is your turn to present, project your voice. Explain your bag and quote. Explain how each item represents who you are. When it is not your turn to present, listen silently. On your piece of paper, write down the name of each presenter. Write down two things you learn about each person next to their name.
CLASS COMPETITION See if you can beat my other classes (fastest and quietest) at: Turning in an assignment. Exiting the classroom. Entering the classroom. Rotations Checking out computers Putting chairs up Taking chairs down.
PRETEST Take out scratch paper and a pencil. DO NOT write on the test itself. Do your best to answer all 20 questions. When you finish, check out your assigned computer Go to www98.achievedata.zoom/test Enter your code (see my website for "Geometry Pretest Codes") Submit your answers until you see a score. Show Ms. Forsyth your score before you log off.
TODAY’S OBJECTIVES Discover geometry in nature, art and world cultures Discover the characteristics of reflectional and rotational symmetry Develop Problem Solving Skills
INTRO TO GEOMETRY “Geo” means earth “Metres” means measure Geometry began as the study of earth measure
GEOMETRY IN NATURE AND ART What characteristics do these figures have that make them pretty, nice, balanced, or regular?
SYMMETRY A geometric characteristic of both nature and art. Two main types: Reflectional symmetry – you can fold it along a line of symmetry so that all points on one side of the line exactly match with all the points on the other side of the line. Rotational symmetry – it looks the same after you turn it around a point by less than a full circle.
ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY 5-fold rotational symmetry
ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY 4-fold rotational symmetry
REFLECTIONAL SYMMETRY Two lines of reflectional symmetry
PARTNER DISCUSSION Turn to a partner and explain both types of symmetry. Give a NEW example of each.
THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX What kind of symmetry does this figure have?
WHICH PLAYING CARDS HAVE… Rotational symmetry? Reflectional symmetry?
EXIT SLIP Create a simple design that has two lines of reflectional symmetry. Does it have rotational symmetry?