The reason we are doing this project is To figure out which bag of popcorn has the least kernels left after the bag is popped. Hypothesis We think that Act II will have least kernels after being popped because it’s cheaper.
3 bags of Orville Redenbacher popcorn 3 bags of Act II popcorn 3 bags of Pop Weaver popcorn Microwave Pen paper
Step1 purchase popcorn Step 2 take pop weaver for 3 min in microwave Step 3 take popcorn weaver out of microwave pour in bowl Step 4 count un pop kernels Step 5 record un popped kernels on page 6 packet Step 6 take Orville Redenbacher in microwave for 3 min
Step 7 repeat 3-5 Step 8 put Act II in the microwave for 3 min Step 9 repeat 3-5 Step 10 repeat all steps 2 more times
We learned that Orville Redenbacher had the least kernels after being popped because it cost more and taste better. Are hypothesis was wrong because we picked Act II because it’s cheaper and the company wants to give us less popcorn. If we do this we do this project again we would change and use different popcorn.
I would like to think our parents for buying popcorn and think Mrs.Bowman and Mrs.Buscher
4 th Grade Haley Golden Makayla Cook Josh Durbin