Beyond Zero Employee Involvement Employer Commitment
People Caring about People’s Safety Where every employee has gone home safe and been able to come back to work the next day 17,980,328 Safe Work Hours Without a Lost Time Incident 932 Days as of 6/11/2014
The Design BEYOND ZERO CultureCommitment LeadershipAccountabilityCommunityCaring
Our Focus It’s about making a commitment It’s about creating a culture It’s about holding ourselves accountable It’s about improving the quality of life for our co-workers It’s about creating an environment where safety happens by choice We challenge you to take this initiative home to your family and friends.
It Starts At Work Training Educating Stop Work Authority Follow Up
Comprehensive Training All employees receive JSA and JHA training prior to arrival on site. Hazard analysis/recognition and mitigation are key components of this training. Bay Orientation, Site Specific training and Safety Council requirements will be given to all employees. Required annual training will be administered as required/needed.
Bay Safe Acts Program: Bay Ltd. provides its employees with “Safe Acts” Cards to report any conditions that they might observe. These cards may be used to report exemplary safety performance by an employee or items that needed or will need correcting. Participants in the program can receive recognition and awards for their participation.
Orange and Green Tip Gloves: As an additional method to help drive down hand injuries, Bay Ltd. has mandated the use of orange or green tipped gloves in order to increase the employee’s awareness of where their hands are.
We have a company physician and a wellness doctor to assist with wellness topics and employee care. Topics are given bi-weekly and covered in safety meetings. Recent Topics Included - Back Safety General Health Topics Effects of chemicals (food and beverage) on the body Employees have access to the Doctor. They can call, or schedule an appointment.
Bay Ltd. is committed to the safety and well being of each and every employee. Recognizing that we had taken safety to the next level, Bay Ltd. implemented our Beyond Zero Program where we challenged our employees to take personal responsibility for their company, project and team, being incident and injury free at home as well as at work. The program involves providing work and home safety tips along with wellness initiatives to the employees.