Unclassified Data Integration Joint Lessons Learned Information System and Joint Training Information Management System Unclassified
2 UNCLASSIFIED Data Integration Overview Purpose Phased approach - JLLIS design concept - JTIMS design concept
3 UNCLASSIFIED Ms. Diane Lent-Tucker Joint Staff J7 Joint Lessons Learned Branch Systems Integration: Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS)
4 UNCLASSIFIED Purpose of Integration To meet the requirements defined by the users Reduce duplication of effort Provide seamless sharing of data Increase the speed and accuracy of information sharing
5 UNCLASSIFIED JLLIS Design Concept for Integration Implement a phased approach for JLLIS and JTIMS Data Integration Phase one: - JLLIS establish link to access other DoD systems (JTIMS, JDEIS) Determine JLLIS requirements for enhanced integration capabilities
8 LINKS Arrangement of menu bar follows standard format (eg. ‘Home’ is always located at the upper left corner, ‘ Us’ is always at the upper right corner, etc.) Menu bar persists throughout JLLIS Menu items possess drop-down capability where each link opens in a new window JTIMS DRRS JDEIS Phase One of Integration (cont’d): Modification
9 UNCLASSIFIED Phase Two: JLLIS Import Capability - JLLIS develop capability for manual import of JTIMS LL Initial Observation Data (XML File) - Determine JLLIS requirements for enhanced integration capabilities (Web Services) Phase Two of Integration: Importing Data from JTIMS
10 UNCLASSIFIED Near ‘real-time’ data exchange - Seamless data sharing/integration between JLLIS and JTIMS - JTIMS LL Initial Observations, when approved, will automatically update the corresponding organization’s JLLIS with no manual effort Long-Range Goal and Last Phase of Integration
Unclassified Questions?
12 UNCLASSIFIED Systems Integration: Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) LCDR Steven Jaureguizar Joint Staff J7 Joint Training and Policy Branch
Requirements: 1.Create a JTIMS Initial Observation interface for a Lesson Learned. User who do not have permissions will not see the LL link from the Execution Home Page. 2.Create a LL Analyst Role. The role has permissions to capture TPO, TPEs, TFOs, and generate the JLLIS XML Export file. 3.JLLIS XML Export – Roles authorized to generate are UGL, Sr O/C Analyst, and LL Analyst. Sr O/C Analyst and LL Analyst must be assigned to the Exercise. 4.The user [UGL, Execution Analyst, ETL, Sr O/C Analyst, LL Analyst] should have the ability to enter an initial observation within a selected event (when then enter a TPO, TPE, TFO, etc.) – for example, when a user is entering a TPO they should have the ability to promote the Training Event raw observation to a Lesson Learned Initial observation format. The system displays the JLLIS initial observation worksheet, with most fields auto populated. User then has the ability to save the JLLIS Initial observation. 5.System should display in a report format all Lessons Learned initial observations captured and submitted for the event. 6.System should allow the generation of a JLLIS XML Export file by Exercise. JTIMS CM #1395 – Initial LL Observation Requirements This presentation contains no classified information. Data displayed is for training/test purposes only and is notional data.