2015 Tobacco Season
Heat stroke is a heat-related disease If left untreated it can be life threatening If you feel the following symptoms, notify your boss. Heat Stroke
Heat Exhaustion: Heavy sweating Cramps Rapid heart rate Headache Nausea Vomit Signs and Symptoms
Heat Stroke: Dry skin High body temperature Disorientation Confusion Dry, pale skin Red-colored skin Confusion Inability to think clearly Convulsions Fainting Signs and Symptoms
Accessible drinking water Rest in the shade if you are feeling ill or overheated. Drinking water will be kept cool Drink small quantities of water throughout the day. Do NOT wait until you are thirsty. Apply knowledge from this presentation and look to recognize the symptoms. Heat Illness Prevention
Farm Respiratory Protection- Dust mask to prevent inhalation of hazardous material. Protective gloves- Prevention of green tobacco sickness and hazardous materials. Garbage bags- Wet tobacco prevention. Appropriate and safe work attire. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Never get into the baler during operation. It is never safe. Be especially careful with your hands while the machine is operating. Do not place hands along the edge, as fingers can easily be pinched or crushed Always pay attention to others around the machine. Monitor for leaks or problems with the hydraulic system. If there is a leak, notify the person in charge immediately. Do NOT touch the leak! Do not get in the way when the bale is released. Baler Safety
Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite. Prevention: Wash hands often Wear proper PPE Green Tobacco Sickness
Keep a clean workspace with tools stored safely. Keep a safe distance from gas and diesel fuel tanks as well as other flammable substances. Don’t wear loose clothing around equipment or in work areas. Always be aware and pay attention Do not operate equipment unless authorized General Safety
Never allow riders. Only one person on board. Always wear a seatbelt when possible Keep yourself and others away from moving parts. Always pay attention to wear you are going. Slow down when turning, crossing slopes, or driving on rough, slick, or muddy surfaces. It is safer to back up an incline. Apply power slowly when pulling a heavy load. Lock the brake pedals together for single action braking. Tractor Safety
Inspect hydraulic equipment regularly for leaks. Report and fix any leaks immediately. Ensure that all couplings are properly installed and in good working condition. If you see any issues with the hydraulic equipment, it is best to just report it right away. Hydraulic Equipment Safety
Guards and shields are extremely important because they keep operators from inadvertently contacting, or being caught, by moving machinery parts. Ensure that moving parts are guarded or shielded whenever possible. In addition, to prevent burns or fires, shield heat-producing components (e.g., exhaust pipes). Since all moving parts cannot be guarded due to their function, stay clear of these machines when they are in operation. In addition, turn these machines off if they need service, maintenance, or repair Safety Shields and Guards
Always read the label first and follow the directions to the letter, including all precautions and restrictions. Use protective measures when handling pesticides as directed by the label, such as wearing impermeable gloves, long pants, and long-sleeve shirts. Change clothes and wash your hands immediately after applying pesticides. Pesticide Safety
Non Tobacco Related Material Foreign objects in tobacco Could be particles such as metal or plastic Could be suckers Efficient sorting is critical NTRM Reduction
Keep work area clean. Do NOT throw trash on the ground. Use the trash cans around the workspace to discard of any trash. Keep all tools and debris picked up A safe work area must be clean Housekeeping Rules
Keep hands away from pinch points. Do NOT stand under the box when it is being lifted. When the forklift is picking up the box, communicate with the forklift driver using hand signals to avoid serious injury. Stay out of the path of the forklift. Box/Forklift Safety
In the event of a serious emergency, call 911 immediately. Utilize the First Aid kit when necessary. First Aid kit will be located under the fire extinguisher. Emergency Response/First Aid
Never mix different stalk positions within the same bales. For example, it would be a mistake to mix sand lugs with tips. Grade Separation
Moisture should not exceed more than 17.5% moisture. Bale weight should not exceed 800 lbs. Ideal weight is 700 lbs. Moisture and Bale Weights
Eat and drink only in designated areas. Use trash cans. Keep areas clean. Pick all grass and suckers out of tobacco. Do not throw trash on the ground. Keep all foreign material separated from tobacco. NTRM Prevention