Student Organizations Academy 2015 OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: PLANNING YOUR TRIPS 2:00-2:55pm Leah Busam Klenowski Senior Director for Student Affairs Office of Student Involvemen t
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: ROAD MAP Rules of the Road = Xavier Policies Road Permits = Xavier Procedures & Forms Tips & Best Practices = Budgeting & More
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: RULES OF THE ROAD Policies & Guidelines Student Domestic Travel Policy (Office of Student Involvement) Student International Travel Policy (Center for International Ed) Trip and Travel Guidelines (Risk Management) Student Domestic Travel Risk Matrix (Office of Student Involvement)
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: RULES OF THE ROAD Travel Defined Enrolled Undergraduate and Graduate Students Beyond 20 miles of Xavier OR including an overnight stay Includes: Travel organized or sponsored by a registered student organization or department Travel required for a team or group Travel required for a course or class Fully or partially funded by Xavier University Uses the Xavier University name
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: RULES OF THE ROAD Does Not Include: Travel to events as a spectator, unless sponsored by the university or student organization Travel as part of student-teaching, internships, practicums, observations or research, unless the research is organized by a member of the faculty NCAA student athletics travel (NCAA rules and regulations) Student international travel (International Travel Policy) Personal student travel To and from a student’s home Non-university sponsored holiday or break trips
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: RULES OF THE ROAD Chaperones Overnight Trips = USUALLY REQUIRED Day Trips = SOMETIMES REQUIRED Encouraged where possible Required if activity is high risk (i.e. rafting, club sport) Designated faculty or staff member must be available by phone Student Domestic Travel Risk Matrix
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: RULES OF THE ROAD Chaperones Full time Xavier employees (faculty or staff) Preferred: Student organization advisor Possible Exemptions (by request only): Part-time employees or coaches Graduate assistants or interns Volunteer advisors (this is a specially designated role) Not acceptable: Parent or other student relative Graduate student (not serving in a paid position with Xavier)
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: RULES OF THE ROAD Compliance with University Policies Student Handbook: all expectations and policies apply Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy: “The consumption of alcohol is not permitted when students travel as part of a University event or organization, regardless of the students’ legal drinking age. Students are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages to those functions and will be subject to conduct proceedings should a violation occur.” Accounts Payable Policies: Must be an approved trip in order to use student organization funding Expenses won’t be reimbursed if the trip was not pre-approved Trip expenses must comply with all applicable policies (no alcohol, etc.)
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: ROAD PERMITS Student Domestic Travel Itinerary (OrgSync) Submit no less than 10 days prior to travel Departure times and locations for each leg of the trip Transportation related information Airline info and flight schedules Bus company Names of drivers Place(s) of lodging, phone number, address, duration of stay Trip participants, names, banner IDs, emergency contact Chaperone information Must be approved by trip chaperone Receive official authorization from Office of Student Involvement
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: ROAD PERMITS Participant Waiver and Release Forms Each participant (or parent if participant is under 18 years) must sign the appropriate waiver and release form Waiver and Release Matrix Waiver and Release Matrix Take the original forms on the trip Provide a copy of the forms to Xavier Police prior to departure
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: ROAD PERMITS Health Insurance & Medical Authorization Forms All participants are required to have health insurance Submit appropriate medical authorization form (see matrix) Include copy of front and back of insurance card Take the original forms on the trip Provide a copy of the forms to Xavier Police prior to departure
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: ROAD PERMITS Transportation Policies Personal Vehicles: Xavier does not provide coverage for personal vehicles Students driving their own vehicles are entirely dependent upon their personal insurance Short Term Rentals: Must be rented under the name of Xavier University Renters should do not purchase comprehensive and collision insurance provided by the rental agency Bus or Motor Coach Rental: Request a Certificate of Insurance naming Xavier University as additional insured relative to dates of travel File a copy in the office of Risk Management & Insurance
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: ROAD PERMITS Transportation Policies Drivers must be at least 21 years of age and complete a driver authorization form at Risk Management & Insurance websitedriver authorization form Drivers must agree to university driving policies stated in Vehicle Use Policy Vehicle Use Policy Drivers of 12 or 15 passenger vans must complete additional mandatory requirements if driving as stated in Van Driver Mandatory Safety Training PolicyVan Driver Mandatory Safety Training Policy Drivers should carry of proof of insurance card, available through the Office of Risk Management & Insurance
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: ROAD PERMITS Incident Reporting Report any safety or conduct related incidents to the appropriate campus authority as soon as possible Safety Related: Ken Grossman Insurance Related: Mary Beth Townsley Conduct Related: Jean Griffin Sex Discrimination Related: Kate Lawson Gather thorough notes and pictures where appropriate Incident reporting form coming soon
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: TIPS & BEST PRACTICES Designate a TRIP ORGANIZER Submits and tracks travel forms, including itinerary and contact information for each traveler Arranges a pre-travel meeting with to review emergency procedures Submits any necessary follow-up reports or incident documentation Carries emergency contact information, proof of medical insurance coverage, and the authorization for emergency medical treatment for each participant. Identify an ON-CAMPUS CONTACT Available via phone for duration of travel Knowledgeable about trip details and traveler information
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: TIPS & BEST PRACTICES Manage your BUDGET Create a detailed budget for your trip Leave plenty of time for planning Apply for funding from Student Organization Resource Fund Will not fund same trip within a two-year period Will fund: Airfare up to $300/traveler Busing, car rental, taxi, or public transportation Mileage reimbursement ($.55 up to 250 miles) Conference registration up to $75/person Hotels up to $55/night/person Meals based upon federal per diem at
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: TIPS & BEST PRACTICES PAYING the BILLS Hotel rooms, airfare, rental car = P-CARD advisor’s p-card (if they have one) OSI p-card (if advisor does not have one) contact Crystal Guffey to set a time plan to be in the OSI to make the travel arrangements Bus = PURCHASE ORDER make a reservation with our preferred vendor – FIRST STUDENT then Contact Crystal Guffey to complete a purchase order
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: TIPS & BEST PRACTICES PAYING the BILLS Rental Car = CHECK REQUEST (if Enterprise) make a reservation with Enterprise get an invoice and pay with a check after the trip Registration fees, deposits = CHECK REQUEST make the necessary reservations request an invoice and pay with a check Mileage = CHECK REQUEST or STUDENT CASH REIMBURSEMENT if driving a personal vehicle, track the mileage to and from can be reimbursed for miles driven rather than gas
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: TIPS & BEST PRACTICES PAYING the BILLS Food, parking, taxis, etc = OPTION 1: STUDENT CASH REIMBURSMENT Spend from your personal funds Keep all receipts Submit a cash reimbursement (if less than $300) or check request (if more than $300) OPTION 2: STUDENT CASH ADVANCE Complete a cash advance for up to $300 Use the cash on the trip and keep all receipts Submit a CASH RECEIPT with any remaining funds
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: TIPS & BEST PRACTICES Establish GROUP EXPECTATIONS Pre-travel meetings – departure times, attire, behavior expectations Set check-in times and locations Start of Day End of Day Post trip debrief Share LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Divide and conquer sessions Create a space to report back on learning
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: TIPS & BEST PRACTICES Explore your TRAVEL DESTINATION Allow time for site-seeing Use the trip to experience something special about your destination
OFF-CAMPUS TRAVEL: DESTINATION Questions?? Leah Busam Klenowski