Human Population Growth Brain Pop Movie And Quiz!
Human Population Trends Historical Perspective Limiting Factors Scarce Food Incurable Diseases Only ½ the Children in the World Survived to Adulthood Therefore families had many children to ensure some would survive.
History of Human Population Trends Source: Glencoe, Biology, 2009
History of Human Population Trends cont’d Source: Glencoe, Biology, 2009
Human Population Trends Human population tends to increase with time. 500 years ago a shift to rapid growth. Agriculture and Industry Reliable Food Supply Shipping Improved Sanitation Healthcare All decreasing the death rate and increasing life expectancy.
Source: Glencoe, Biology, 2009.
Increase in Human Population Growth Over Time (Prentice Hall, Biology, 2003)
Source: Glencoe, Biology, 2009.
Patterns of Population Growth Demography Scientific study of human population growth. What factors do scientists need to take into consideration to predict population growth? Birthrates Death Rates Age Structure
Demographic Transition Dramatic change in birth and death rates As countries become developed there is a shift in birth rate and death rate What is happening in the graph?
Demographic Transition Cont. Transition is complete when the birthrate falls to meet the death rate. Zero Population Growth What countries have undergone demographic transition? US Europe Japan
Population Growth Rates of Countries Source: Glencoe, Biology, 2009.
Predicting Population Growth Age-structure diagrams Graphs numbers of people in different age groups in the population How could this help Biologists predict population growth?
Interpreting Age-Structure Diagrams
Pre-Reproductive, Reproductive, and Post-Reproductive Classifications Source: Glencoe, Biology, 2009.
Developed Vs. Underdeveloped Country What are the characteristics of each country? Developed Underdeveloped
Human Carrying Capacity Estimated to be around 8-10 billion people Threat of disease and starvation once reached Technology has temporarily increased human carrying capacity FOOD FOR THOUGHT ACTIVITY Source: Glencoe, Biology, 2009
Graphic Sources