Outlook to FP7 Call3 in Energy Siegfried Loicht Division for European and International Programmes (EIP) Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 2 Outlook Energy Work Programme 2009 Status of Work-Programme: DRAFT (latest version 23/04/08) to be discussed in Programme Committee and EC Estimated publication date: Expected September 2008 Approach for 2009: Effort in this work programme focuses on technologies identified in the SET-Plan as key challenges for the next 10 years. This means that second generation biofuels (in particular biorefineries), CO2 capture and storage, solar energy, offshore wind and smart electricity grids have an important part. Draft
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 3 Specifics of Work Programme 2009 SME relevant research fields: Efficiency and material issues for thin-film photovoltaics Biowaste as feedstock for 2nd generation Sustainable Biorefineries High density /rapid release energy storage International cooperation in topics (e.g.): Efficiency and material issues for thin-film photovoltaics Biowaste as feedstock for 2nd generation Innovative capture techniques Safe and reliable geological storage of CO2 Towards an infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage Topics with cross thematic approaches: Biorefineries, wind/ocean energy conversion non-food aquatic biomass feedstock for 2nd generation biofuels Draft
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 4 Summary of budget allocation in the Work Programme 2009 Indicative Call/ activity RTD 2009 Million EUR TREN 2009 Million EUR FP7-ENERGY [1] [1] 90 FP7-ENERGY FP7-ENERGY FP7-ENERGY-2009-BIOREFINERY 15 To be confirmed [1] [1] Any savings from previous activities launched under the previous RTD calls in the Energy work programme would be assigned to call FP
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 5 Overview of FP7-ENERGY Activity/Area Funding SchemesIndicative Amount (EUR million) Area Energy.2.1 Photovoltaics Area Energy.2.5 Concentrated Solar Power Collaborative projectsEUR 24 million Area Energy.2.4 Geothermal Area Energy.2.9 Cross cutting Issues Activity Energy.3 Renewable Fuel Production Collaborative projects Coordination and support action (Coordinating action) EUR 21 million Activity Energy.5 CO2 capture and storage Technologies for Zero emission Power generation Collaborative projectsEUR 23 million Activity Energy.7 Smart energy Networks Collaborative projectsEUR 22 million Two stage procedure Draft
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 6 Overview of FP7-ENERGY Activity Funding SchemesIndicative Amount (EUR million) ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION Collaborative projectsEUR 28 million ACTIVITY ENERGY.4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING Collaborative projectsEUR 15 million ACTIVITY ENERGY.6: CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGIES Collaborative projectsEUR 10 million ACTIVITY ENERGY.7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS Collaborative projectsEUR 35 million ACTIVITY ENERGY.8: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS Collaborative projectsEUR 10 million ACTIVITY ENERGY.9: KNOWLEDGE FOR ENERGY POLICY MAKING Coordination and support action (Coordinating action) EUR 2 million Single stage procedure Draft
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 7 Overview of FP BIOREFINERY AreaTopicFunding schemes ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION ENERGY Sustainable BiorefineriesCollaborative Project ENERGY Enhancing exchange of information, synergies and cross-fertilisation between projects in the field of Biorefineries Coordination and support action (coordination type) Joint call between Energy, NMP, Environment, KBBE Total budget: ~ 57 million Euro Two stage procedure Draft
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 8 Scientific and technical quality Limited innovation Not beyond commercial practices Not entirely addressing the topic priorities Insufficient demonstration part Insufficient quality of the concept and work plan Lessons learned from Call1 Frequent weaknesses of proposals (1/3) Source: European Commission
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 9 Lessons learned from Call1 Frequent weaknesses of proposals (2/3) Implementation Unclear complementarity of consortium partners Unclear experience of some partners Insufficiently justified presence of partners Inappropriate management structure Too large consortia (keep consortia to minimum size necessary) Inappropriate resources allocation / justification Source: European Commission
FP7 Energy Information & Partnering Day 2 July 2008, Vienna - Austria 10 Impact Limited monitoring and dissemination foreseen No significant impact No significant replication potential No significant European added value Lack of involvement of industrial partners General Unstructured text, difficult to read Unclear /incomplete information Lessons learned from Call1 Frequent weaknesses of proposals (3/3) Source: European Commission
Seite 11 Thank you for your attention! Siegfried Loicht FFG/European and International Programmes +43-(0)