The Belgian Case Vienna, 15 th Dec 2010 European Models of Military Services
Plan 1.Current system of military service 2.Assessment modern military tasks 3.Political & strategic considerations 4.Assessment social & economic side- effects 5.Consequences on defence budget 6.Main lessons learned
1. Short description of current system of military service (1/3) Armed Forces: (planned by 2013) – Military & 2000 Civilians –Coming from (in 1992 with conscripts) –Today = (without conscripts) Category Ratio : –15% Offr –42,5% NCO –42,5% Soldiers/Sailors 3 Services (Land-Air-Navy) + Medical Sp No conscripts (from 1994 onwards) Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned
Military Operations : –based upon mandate UN – EU – NATO –High + Low spectrum of violence (War / Crisis Mgt / Peace Sp - scenarios) Bilateral Military Partnerships –African Continent – Great Lake District National Disaster Relief missions Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned 1. Short description of current system of military service (2/3)
Military personnel: –Specific Statutory System (Laws) –“life time employment” until unique retirement age (56y – except Gen) –Changes need time (political process) Civilian personnel: –Federal employees – different statute Mil Conscription ended in period Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned 1. Short description of current system of military service (3/3)
2. Assessment of military system modern military tasks Only professionals Maturity increase in execution of all kind of military operations Need for an ideal “young” age piramid actual statutory system (56y) Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned
Age piramid - problem AGE STRUCTURE OF MILITARY PERSONNEL Theoretical ideal structure
AGE STRUCTURE OF MILITARY PERSONNEL Theoretical ideal structure Age piramid – new mixed statute
3. Political & strategic considerations leading to current system of mil service Conscript system became socialy unjust –Only 1 out of 4 was called to “serve” Political dividend & opportunity –End of “Berlin Wall / Iron Curtain” – period –Collapse of Warsaw Pact / Soviet Union Quick political win (within 1 legislation) –End conscription –Resize Armed forces No “forced leavers” – only voluntary based Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned
4. Assessment social & economic side-effects Social –No more “outspread”- contact with the military due to situation where every family knows a soldier. –Nor a sound “reserve forces”-pool Economic –Difficulty in finding technical skilled people, with increase technology in military systems –Difficulty to become an attractive employer in competition with labour market => Cost –Finding right solution in a mixed statute for military Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned
Mixed careers - option Continued military career Orientation process Career in the armed forces reserve job public service agent job private sector using outplacement Initial military career Civilian career within the Armed Forces Leave Armed Forces
5. Consequences on defence budget Conscripts cheeper, but… –Need a great number of conscripts to meet expectation/knowledge/skill of 1 soldier for a duration of time –Risk = to retain your professionals as well –Need an adequate/attractive pay system Professional armed forces – within the political allocated budget –60% payrole – 20 to 25% functioning cost – 10 to 15 % reinvestment cost (Mat + Infra) Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned
6. Main lessons learned Simultaneous actions of shrinking armed forces + ending conscription is a double challenge (to avoid) Take care of age piramid if no “forced leavers” –make people RETIRE themselves, on demand Need of adequate statute, no life time employment –RECONVERT in time (labour market permitting?) To last in time –RECRUIT & RETAIN measures in place Current system – Assesm Modern Mil tasks – PolMil Consid – Soc&Econ effects - Def Budget - Lessons Learned
AGE STRUCTURE OF MILITARY PERSONNEL Theoretical ideal structure Reconvert Retire Recruit Retain Challenge of 4R’s
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