November 2006
Contents INTERREG IIIC as a EU Community Initiative Cooperation Area Programme Zones Programme Management Types of Operations and how they work Themes addressed by approved operations Figures on participation and budget Selected Projects from each zone Contact information
INTERREG IIIC as an EU Community Initative Stimulates interregional cooperation across Europe during the programming period Is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the Structural Funds, and co-financed by national project partners Is one of three strands of the EU Community Initative INTERREG III
Cross border cooperation Transnational cooperation Interregional cooperation INTERREG IIIC INTERREG IIIC…….. ……one of three strands INTERREG III INTERREG III AINTERREG IIIB
INTERREG IIIC is An EU programme that helps Europe’s regions form partnerships to work together on common projects. By sharing knowledge and experience, these partnerships enable the regions involved to develop new solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges.
INTERREG IIIC…… …aims To improve the effectiveness of policies and instruments for regional development and cohesion Through large-scale information and know-how exchange, transfer of tools and sharing of experience among European regions
Co-operation Area Countries eligible for ERDF funding: 25 EU member States Non-EU Countries : Norway & Switzerland All other non-EU countries
Programme Zones For administrative purposes the programme is divided into four geographical areas, with offices in the following locations: North Rostock South Valencia East Vienna West Lille
Programme Management All four programme zones are managed by the following bodies: Monitoring Committee* Steering Committee* Managing Authority Paying Authority Joint Technical Secretariat *In the North Zone, the tasks of the Monitoring and Steering Committees are performed by a joint body – the Monitoring and Steering Committee of the INTERREG IIIC North
INTERREG IIIC North Programme area Denmark Whole country Germany Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein Sweden Whole country Finland Whole country Poland Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Warminsko-Mazurskie, Podlaskie Estonia Whole country Latvia Whole country Lithuania Whole country Norway Whole country
Austria Whole country Germany Bayern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Berlin, Brandenburg, Thüringen Italy Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia- Romagna, Puglia, Molise, Abruzzo, Marche Greece Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki, Kentriki Makedonia, Dytiki Makedonia, Thessalia, Ipeiros Poland Lubuskie, Wielkopolskie, Lodzkie, Mazowieckie, Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Malopolskie, Swietokrzyskie, Slaskie, Opolskie, Czech RepublicWhole country Slovakia Whole country Hungary Whole country Slovenia Whole country Programme area INTERREG IIIC East
Whole country France Midi-Pyrennées, Limousin, Auvergne, Aquitaine, Languedoc- Roussillon, Poitou-Charentes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Rhône- Alpes, Corse, Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion Greece Dytiki Ellada, Peloponnisos, Voreio Aigaio, Notio Aigaio, Kriti, Ionia Nisia, Stera Ellada, Attiki Italy Piémont, Lombardie, Ligurie, Toscane, Ombrie, Lazio, Campanie, Sardaigne, Basilicate, Calabre, Sicile, Val d’Aoste Portugal Whole country Cyprus Whole country Malta Whole country United Kingdom Gibraltar Spain Programme area INTERREG IIIC South
France Nord-Pas de Calais, Picardie, Haute-Normandie, Île de France, Basse-Normandie, Centre, Champagne- Ardennes, Lorraine, Bourgogne, Alsace, Franche-Comté, Bretagne, Pays de la Loire Belgium Whole country Netherlands Whole country Luxembourg Whole country Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg United Kingdom Whole country (except Gibraltar) Ireland Whole country INTERREG IIIC West Programme area
Types of Operations…… ……and how they work Three types of operation are eligible for funding: Regional Framework Operations (RFOs) Individual Projects Networks
Regional Framework Operation Lead Partner Regional Partner Lead Participant Sub project 1 Sub project 2 Sub project 3 Large-scale regional co-operation comprising various sub-projects Minimum of three different countries At least two must be Member States
Individual Project Lead Partner Project Partner Co-operation activities addressing only one specific topic Minimum of three different countries At least two must be Member States
Network Lead Partner Project Partner Co-operation activities mainly directed at structured exchange of experience Minimum of five different countries At least three must be Member States
Themes addressed by…… ……..approved operations
Some figures on participation in INTERREG IIIC operations* With a total of 268 approved operations, INTERREG IIIC involves: more than 2650 partners more than 190 regions from 50 participating countries INTERREG IIIC has funded more than 330 interregional subprojects * Data obtained August 2006
Some figures on total budget committed* € 500 Million – Total eligible budget € 300 Million – Total ERDF budget allocated to operations € 2 Million – Norwegian Funding € 190 Million – National Co-financing * Data obtained August 2006
ERDF committed in € millions in each zone
North Zone sample project and results Name of operation: EKIE (ENHANCING KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE ENTERPRISES in Small Cities, Surounded by Rural and Sparsely Populated Areas) Objective: Developing ways to help SMEs work together efficiently and to generate new business in knowledge-intensive regions in four specific areas: technology parks; public economic development organisations and incubators; research and development; and higher education. Snapshot of selected outputs: Establishment of Business Incubator centre in Estonia with two full time employees Contact details: Coordinator: Jorma Hintikka / Website:
East Zone sample project and results Name of operation: REGENERGY (Network of pioneering communities and regions working on innovative heat energy solutions) Objective: Creating a Europe-wide network for sharing knowledge and information about the heating sector management. The Project aims also to expand external Private-Public-Partnerships and external financing for efficient energy solutions. Snapshot of selected outputs: Elaboration of comparative study on regional and municipal heat supply transformation, Elaboration of Privatisation Guidelines on local utility transformation Contact details: Coordinator: Julia Erdmann / Website:
South Zone sample project and results Name of operation: ICHNOS (Innovation and Change: Network of One-stop Shops) Objective: definition and experimentation of a common model for a regional centre of competence for enterprises. Creation of a european network of one-stops shops. Improvement/rationalization of the models which are currently used in the respective regions Snapshot of selected outputs: Green paper on the state of play of one-stop-shops in the three countries in which the project partners are located. Contact details: Coordinator: Jonathan Deckmyn/ Website:
West Zone sample project and results Name of operation: CITEAIR (Common Information to European AIr) Objective: Developing better and more efficient solutions for assessing the impact of traffic in large urban areas and informing professional users and the public on the environmental situation Snapshot of selected outputs: Transfer of experience from AIRPARIF to Emilia Romagna Region, which is developing for the first time a Decision Support System for monitoring Air Quality. Development of a tool for assessing air quality transferable to other regions and cities in Europe Contact details: Coordinator: Nick Hodges / Website:
INTERREG IIIC East Joint Technical Secretariat Museumsstrasse 3/A/III A-1070 Vienna Phone +(43) Fax +(43) INTERREG IIIC South Joint Technical Secretariat Calle Cronista Carreres, 11-4A Valencia, España Phone (+34) Fax (+34) INTERREG IIIC North Joint Technical Secretariat Grubenstraße, Rostock, Germany Phone: Fax: Contact Information INTERREG IIIC West Joint Technical Secretariat 24, Boulevard Carnot – 3e étage F Lille, France Phone: Fax:
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