Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 2 Launch Date u 2006 u At the fall of the year u OCTOBER 2006 u Delay because of conflict with another mission sharing common resources (Proteus bus family) u This interaction has been limited and is now stabilized
Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 3 Summary u Cooperation u Instrument events u Satellite events u System events u Planning u Roadmap u Conclusion
Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 4 Signature of Agreements With Brazil Le Bourget June the 14th, 2005 Sergio GAUDENZI & Yannick d’ESCATHA With Austria Vienna, November the 22nd, 2005 Klaus PSEINER & Yannick d’ESCATHA
Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 5 Payload events from last Corotweek u Baffle Flight Model : delivered by Belgium u Corotcase Flight Model (electronic equipment bay) delivered by LESIA u Flight Software delivered by DLR (version for the Instrument Integration) u Final assembly of the whole instrument at CNES : done u EMI/EMC tests : done u Vibration tests : done u Thermal Vaccuum : under test, things are going smoothly u The complete instrument shall be delivered by Christmas
Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 6 Satellite events from last Corotweek u Large improvement of the regular Flight Software for COROT u Implementation of the interfaces with the launcher u Assembly & Test of the Corot (PROTEUS) bus u Preparation of the Satellite assembly & tests Disturbed by the conflict of resources with the CALIPSO mission (same team & Ground Support Equipment)
Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 7 System events u Launcher é Preliminary Mission Analysis Review é Exploration visit at Baïkonour u Mission Database é Formal review of data (September) é Under Configuration Control u Ground Segment é Control Centre : delivered and accepted é Mission Centre : acceptance under progress with the spanish industry (GMV) é Ground Stations Alcantara :operational scenario & interfaces are defined, facilities are under construction CNES network configuration is setup An additional backup is under discussion : use of the MOST ground station in Vienna u System & compatibility Tests é Are going to start by soon
Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 8 Roadmap u To complete the test of the Ground Segment u To prepare the data processing chain u To prepare the operations (organization & procedures, fields for initial runs) u To verify that all components are compatible at System level u To integrate and test the satellite 7 months u To do the launch campaign at Baïkonour and to launch the satellite u To position the satellite on its nominal orbit u To do the in-flight tests and calibration u To start the initial runs
Corotweek n°9 - ESTEC December 6th, 2005 COROT PROJECT STATUS 9 Conclusion u Technical status: we are in a good shape u Budget status : we are poor but we can survive u Planning : “couci-couça” (so-so) but globally satisfactory (reminder : the launch date was march years ago).