Napoleonic Europe A leader is a dealer in hope. - Napoleon Bonaparte
I. End of the Revolution(?) Counter-revolution & dictatorship
A. “Republic of Virtue” 1. Fall of the Girondins - war going poorly - economy stuck - counterrevolution 2. The Jacobins June radical Social Contract - centralized power - universal male suffrage Maximilian Robespierre Maximilian Robespierre
3. Committee of Public Safety - Levée en masse participatory democracy - Law of the Maximum - Calendrier Republicaine - proto metric system - Cult of the Supreme Being - education - welfare
B. But when you talk about destruction… don’t you know that you can count me out. 1. Radicals turn on each other - Jean-Paul Marat d Georges Danton d “Show my head to the people. It's well worth seeing” 2. War in the Vendée 3. Thermidorian Reaction - Robespierre July 1794 Death of Marat (1793) by David Death of Marat (1793) by David
C. Rise of the Directory 1. Class conflict and revolution – The Directory Suppressing Dissent - “Conspiracy of the Equals” 1796 Gracchus Babeuf - “Conspiracy of the Equals” 1796 Gracchus Babeuf
II. Napoleon Bonaparte d I am the Revolution
End of the Revolution? End of the Revolution? - Made some gains of the Revolution permanent - Spread ideals of Revolution (1830, 1848) - Rise of nationalism - Population growth - Economic development You had all these advantages in your ancient states; but you chose to act as if you had never been moulded into civil society, and had everything to begin anew. You began ill, because you began by despising everything that belonged to you. - Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France You had all these advantages in your ancient states; but you chose to act as if you had never been moulded into civil society, and had everything to begin anew. You began ill, because you began by despising everything that belonged to you. - Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
A. Revolution & Opportunity 1. “whiff of grapeshot” nd War of Coalition Italy & Egypt
B. 1 st Modern Dictator 1. First Consul of the Triumvirate - weakened radicals on Left and Right - protected property / balanced budget - improved relationship with Church plebiscite - charade?
3. The First Empire tax reform & public education - central banking system - aristocracy of merit - support scientific/technological innovation
4. Code Napoleon equality before the law - freedom of religion - separation of church and state - separation of church and state - protected interests of rising middle class - paternalistic (Justinian Code) - protected interests of rising middle class - paternalistic (Justinian Code) Reform of civil law
III. The Wars of Coalition
A. World reaction 1790s 1. Declaration of Pillnitz Austria, Prussia 2. First War of Coalition Levée en masse
3. Suspension of civil liberties Great Britain 1792 U.S Alien & Sedition Acts Quasi-War
B. Nationalism 1. Third War of Coalition Austria, Russia - Battle of Austerlitz 1805
2. Germany - Confederation of the Rhine - end of the HRE Ernst Moritz Arndt Where Is the German Fatherland? Johann Gottlieb Fichte To the German Nation Ludwig van Beethoven Sym. No. 3, Eroica Classical → Romantic
3. Puppet Spain - Joseph-Napoléon - Peninsular War Constitution of Fall of the Spanish Empire Third of May by Goya Third of May by Goya
4. Continental System Battle of Trafalgar Protect French / European industry “kick start” industrial revolution
C. Fall of the French Empire 1. Invasion of Russia Patriotic War of 1812 Alexander I
2. German Wars of Liberation Battle of Leipzig - 6 th War of Coalition 3. Russia, Prussia expand their influence
4. Waterloo Bourbon Restoration Louis XVIII - escape from Elba - escape from Elba - exile to St. Helena - exile to St. Helena
E. Return to the status quo? 1. The Pax Britannica - “balance of power” Congress of Vienna - Concert of Europe - “Long 19 th Century”