The Advantages of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Experience in Teaching Conference. University of Illinois, Chicago Department of Bioengineering December 3, 2005 Margaret Tower:
Presenter Margaret Murray Tower, M.S./M.A. Trainer, Illinois State Board of Education Science Teacher and Learning Behavior Specialist Foreman High School 3235 North LeClaire Avenue Chicago, Illinois
Bruker Magnetic Resonance Imager
Cross Section of the Cells of Two Flower Buds Surrounded by Water
T1 Map Showing a Cross Section of the Cells of Two Flower Buds Surrounded by Water Using a Spin Echo Imaging Sequence
T1 Map Showing a Cross Section of the Cells of One Flower Bud Surrounded by Water Using a Spin Echo Sequence
T2 Map Showing a Cross Section of the Cells of Two Flower Buds Surrounded by Water Using a Spin Echo Imaging Sequence
Abstract Compare the appearance of a flower bud taken with the Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine with that of the view through a stereomicroscope.
Objectives Compare and contrast the results. Illinois State Goal 11-Inquiry and Design. 11.A1a. Describe an observed event.
Methodology Show the pictures and procedures from the MRI. Examine a flower bud under a stereomicroscope. Draw and label the results.
Expected Learning Outcome Learners will understand the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conduct experiments, and solve problems.
Learning Outcomes {Continued} Students will learn that examining tissue with a traditional microscope can destroy tissue. MRI pictures do not destroy tissue and show pictures of cells at many depths.
Budget Section Already we have pictures of the flower bud taken with an MRI. Buy a Swift Tri-Power Stereo Dissecting Microscope with three magnification ranges, student-proof, $399.