Team MembersResponsibilities Caleb McGeeFrame Dan RogersDrivetrain Dylan SartinSeating and Safety Nick SagerSteering Ryan SchmidtSuspension Design Review
FUNDING: $3,250 – Private donations $1,866 – Funds through SIUC $1,300- Account balance Estimate an additional $1,500 needed to complete project Remaining items: Drivetrain Services Seating Steering
PROJECTS COMPLETED Suspension: Done except for rocker arms Frame: Tacked Driveshafts: Preliminary machining done Locking mechanism: Assembled Much of the components have been sent out to be laser cut Steering, drivetrain, suspension, hinge & lock, etc.
Bump Steer Causes poor control Result of steering and suspension geometry
STEERING Ackerman: Geometry set up to reduce tires from scrubbing in corners
DRIVETRAIN Two speed HammerSchmidt transmission Intermediate shaft Locking differential U-joint and splined shaft assembly Chromoly axle Heavy duty wheels and tires
SEATING Tubular chromoly frame Extends above head to provide rollover protection Folds Fiberglass seat bottom and back Contoured to support body
PREPARED QUESTIONS 1. Do you have any suggestions on how we can raise additional funding to complete the 2013 SIUC Moonbuggy? 2. What methods should be used to test safety critical and low factor of safety parts before assembly? 3. Do you have any ideas on methods to test the completed vehicle to ensure that it is ready for competition? 4. What suggestions do you have on the material selection and design for the seats? Are there any concerns with using fiberglass? 5. Are there any other manufacturing methods that we should consider that would decrease our manufacturing time and costs? 6. Do you have any particular concerns with current 2013 design that we need to remedy?