CS179: GPU Programming Lecture 11: Lab 5 Recitation
Today Monte-Carlo Integration Recap on CUBLAS/CURAND Reductions Optimizing a reduction
Monte-Carlo Integration Integration is a common tool is computational math Oftentimes used for finding areas Integration is hard on a computer Difficult to do analytically Integration is sometimes analytically impossible Can’t integrate exp(x 2 ) analytically..
Monte-Carlo Integration Could use discrete Riemann sum
Monte-Carlo Integration What if there’s no predefined function? Ex.: Area of union of shapes
Monte-Carlo Integration Solution: Monte-Carlo Integration Saturate bounded space with sample points Check if each point is in any shape Area = # of points in a shape / # of points total * area of space
Monte-Carlo Integration Lab 5: Given N spheres in a bounded space, find the volume of their union Possible to do analytically… But very difficult! Spheres have random positions, area of intersections, etc. Makes good use of Monte-Carlo integration Easy to check if a point is in any of the spheres Easy to use CURAND to generate lots of points!
Lab 5 Remember: CURAND has host API and device API You will use both! volumeCUBLAS: uses host API with CUBLAS volumeCUDA: uses device API with reduction kernel
Lab 5 volumeCUBLAS Allocate necessary memory Need memory for points Need memory for 1 bool per point Is point in any sphere? Use CURAND host API to generate lots of points Create, seed, generate, destroy Use CheckPointsK kernel to see if each point is in a sphere You must write this kernel! Get total # of points in a sphere using cublasDasum cublasDasum(int n, double *src, int stride) Free initialized memory
Lab 5 volumeCUDA Allocate memory for data Now, we also need memory for curandStates! Generate lots of points using CURAND device API Call GenerateRandom3K kernel -- but you must fill in the kernel! Check if points are in sphere Same as volumeCUBLAS Use reduction to sum vector More on this later… Free memory
Lab 5 Kernels PointInSphere: Checks if a point is in a given sphere Do this first! Should be easy geometry CheckPointsK: Checks if a point is in any sphere Copy spheres to shared memory, then iterate through spheres Remember to make sure array entry is non-NULL GenerateRandom3K: Generates lots of float3 points Use CURAND device API
Reduction Iteratively reduces array via reduce function (ex. addition)
Reduction Start with size = nPts / 2 Repeatedly call reduction on block size, halving it each time With main loop in host, device code is very simple… Just need to add element i and element i + size for each thread Alternatively, could build loop into device code, and call kernel only once Once size == 1, we should have summed up all elements
Reduction Lots of optimizations to make! Avoiding thread divergence Contiguous memory accesses Avoiding shared memory bank conflicts More we haven’t discussed yet… Unrolling loops Templates And more!
Optimizations Avoiding thread divergence Avoid calls that make different calls to threads in same warp if(threadIdx.x % 2 == 0) Instead, group by warps if(threadIdx.x / WARP_SIZE == 0)
Optimizations Contiguous memory accesses Memory is linear, can’t swap dimensions Need to address non-sequential accesses… Shared memory banks Also solved by sequential addressing!
Optimizations Example in reduction kernel: Reversed loop indexing for (int i = 1; i < max_size; i *= 2) { … } for (int i = max_size / 2; i > 0; i /= 2) { … }
Optimizations Unrolling loops Basic idea: when reduction size < 32, threads are wasting space due to warps Unrolling last iteration of loop saves useless work
Optimizations Unrolling loops example: for (int i = max_size / 2; i > 0; i /= 2) { sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + i]; } for (int i = max_size / 2; i > 0; i /= 2) { sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + i]; if (tid < 32) { sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 32]; sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 16]; sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 8]; // etc… }
Optimizations Advanced unrolling: templates Exploit compiler to handle some conditions at compile-time Use templated functions (like in C++) Ex.: template __global__ void kernel(…) { if (blockSize >= 512) // some reduction code; else if (blockSize >= 256) // some reduction code; // etc… } Then, call templated function on host: kernel >>(…);
Optimizations Works well with a switch statement: switch (numThreads) { case 512: kernel >>(…); case 256: kernel >>(…); case 128: kernel >>(…); // etc… }