LECTURE 38: REFACTORING CSC 395 – Software Engineering
Comprehensive Comprehensive requirements developed or added workable Working from these, create workable design Class design tested & all defect fixes reviewed Complete Complete test suite check for range of bugs 100% path coverage & more for complex methods Code reviews used on every line of code in system Integration & validation tests on completed code Last few days spent completing documentation Software Being Developed
Develop good set of requirements with client Once “complete”, client changes mind 5 times Solid design developed from these requirements But design was only using revision 3 of requirements Some issues uncaught until code monkeys started Coding takes much, much longer than planned All-nighters needed for final push over last week Due to lack of time, final bugs fixed via patch Documentation good, but not always complete Real Software Development
Develop comprehensive set of requirements Problem known, system reuses existing code base Nearly complete design developed If even remotely feasible, existing classes used Design is complete, but some rough edges remain Coding done quickly, but needs to be quick Mashes up existing classes for new purpose Lots of having to fit square pegs into round holes Comments good, but don't always fit program Real Software, Take 2
Code occasionally gets "bad smell" Code duplicated in methods and classes Wrote and now must use ginormous method or class 7+ parameters used by a single method Simple class now serves multiple purposes "Shotgun surgery" with requires many little changes Mostly call methods in other class "feature envy" Variables not independent, but always used together No polymorphism, instead uses large switch/if-else Whoever Smelled It...
Only one subclass possible for an abstract class Code only to support non-existent feature(s) Field is temporary; value not used across methods Coupling too close or "inappropriate intimacy" Classes work identically, but signatures differ No use of inherited methods or "Refused bequest" Comments needed to explain lousy code More Bad Smells
Nothing ever perfect the first time Getting the details right often takes multiple passes Even harder without full picture of what will be done Ugly code often results as deadlines approach "Get it done right" becomes "Get it done right now" Get Me Some Deodorant!
Bad smells always occur for variety of reasons But ugly code does need not linger forever Refactoring important to eliminate these problems Finish work early and ease into any deadlines Vital Part of Project
Bad smells always occur for variety of reasons But ugly code does need not linger forever Refactoring important to eliminate these problems Refactor code before or after each deadline Code quickly then refactor before deadlines in agile Start iteration refactoring code in iterative methods Vital Part of Project
Refactoring creates opportunities for mayhem Intentionally changing code that works & is used Modifications could accidentally add regression faults Must respect assumptions made by other code (Requires that these assumptions are known) What Could Go Wrong?
Good documentation crucial to this process Method should state preconditions before called Expectations of results specified as postcondition Invariants list as relationships between fields Comments kept up-to-date as coding continues Refactoring works provided stay within limits What Do We Need
Definitely require good set of test cases Run tests before refactoring started Remove redundant code, add design patterns, etc. What We Really Need
Definitely require good set of test cases Re-run tests after refactoring (or close enough) If test fails, fix the refactored code Add comments describing the missing details If all tests pass, continue progressing Doing it right the first time would have been faster… … but still a lot better than non-refactored code All roads lead to multiple passes What We Really Need
Rehearse (& re-rehearse) group’s presentation For each of your groups, this is vital part of project Show what you learned about oral communication Show value of your system & sell us on your solution Do not bore rest of class For Next Lecture