10 th Grade Class Meeting Spring 2013 Class of 2015
Academics-Are you proud of your grades? Finish the school year strong. Make sure your grades reflect what you are capable of achieving. Ask for help when needed! Review schedule for next year when distributed and make sure you are enrolled in the appropriate courses. The next 2 years are going to fly by, put your best effort into your courses and excel!
Graduation Project/ Community Service Both requirements need to be complete by the end of your Junior year if you want to take part in all Senior privileges. Graduation Project packets and Community Service logs can be found on the book shelf in the Counseling office. Remember to have a supervising teacher approve of your high school project prior to starting your project.
Collegeboard Sign up for a free account at Great college and career exploration tool SAT sign up Practice questions for the SAT’s and many other helpful resources
PSAT’s If you did not take the PSAT’s last year, we encourage you to take it next year as a Junior even if you are not sure of post-high school plans Only offered one time a year in mid-October. Exam is held at OVHS PSAT’s measure critical reading, math, and writing Scores are not sent to colleges Test helps to better prepare students for the SAT’s Taking the exam during Junior year can make you eligible for the National Merit Scholarship
College Visits This is the time to research college options and post high school plans. Make use of free time this summer and visit college campuses. Continue touring campuses through next year. Visits can help to rule in or rule out schools. Even if you are not sure of post high school plans, researching and visiting colleges and technical schools can’t hurt. Many colleges send admissions representatives to OVHS in the Fall. Listen to the morning announcements and take advantage of this opportunity.
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Are you interested in playing a sport in college? Visit for information on the NCAA clearinghouse. Make an appointment with your counselor to learn more about being eligible to play a Division I or II college sport. Must sign up with NCAA by the end of Junior year to be eligible.
Scheduling Process The counselors will distribute the first round of schedules in early June. Students will have an opportunity to review their schedules and note any changes they would like to request. Schedules are signed by parents and sent back to counselors. Counselors review noted changes and try their best to accommodate requests. Due to class size and availability, requests may not be fulfilled. Final schedules will be sent home in mid-August.
Get Involved! The next 2 years are going to go quick! If there is an organization that you have considered getting involved in, do it! Involvement in clubs, sports, and groups can add an exciting element to your high school career. Talk with your counselor if you are not sure of how to get involved. Think about taking on a leadership position in an organization that your are already involved.
Naviance Coming Junior year Exciting new career and college resource Students will be able to research colleges and careers, create resumes and goals, take personality assessments, and much more!
Thank you for your Attention! Please let us know if you have questions. Counselors are available. Make an appointment in the counseling office. Remember to check the School Counseling Department website for important updates.