1 Exotic Disease Response Training Introduction to Organism Management
2 Session Outcome At the end of this session, you should be able to: describe what Organism Management is and where it fits into the Exotic Disease Response process name the roles in the Organism Management Group describe, at a high level, what those roles do describe the Standby and Appointment process, and decipher common Organism Management terminology.
Introduction to Organism Management 3 During this session we will cover: Training Agenda 1.What is Organism Management and where does it fit into the Exotic Disease Response process 2.Exotic Disease Response Roles – Organism Management Group 3.Standby and Appointment Process 4.Common Organism Management terminology and definitions
Introduction to Organism Management 4 What is Organism Management? Organism Management – Activities to prevent an unwanted organism infecting new hosts. May include host depopulation and disposal, vaccination, and decontamination of infected places.
Introduction to Organism Management 5 Exotic Disease Response Process
Introduction to Organism Management 6 Set by Biosecurity New Zealand Defines the course of action for the Organism Management Group to attain specified objectives Dependent on the nature of the response (control vs. eradication) Likely to change as the response progresses Organism Management Response Policy
Introduction to Organism Management 7 Organism Management Response roles Valuation Coordinator Depopulation Coordinator Disposal Coordinator Treatment Coordinator Administration Coordinator Security Officer Mustering Team Leader Valuer Depopulation Contractor Disposal Contractor Treatment Operator Restricted Place Manager Health and Safety Officer Disposal Team Leader Treatment Team Leader Depopulation Team Leader Valuation Team Le a der Restricted Place Operations Manager Gate Controller Musterers Organism Management Manager
Introduction to Organism Management 8 Restricted Place Operations Manager Coordinate the activities of security, valuation, destruction, disposal, decontamination and clearance across restricted places Coordinate the efficient acquisition and deployment of resources required for the management of unwanted organisms across restricted places Ensure the safety of all personnel on restricted places Valuation Coordinator Depopulation Coordinator Disposal Coordinator Treatment Coordinator Administration Coordinator Restricted Place Operations Manager
Introduction to Organism Management 9 Assemble resources of qualified and suitable valuers Coordinate the deployment of valuers Brief valuers on compensation related policies and procedures Coordinate the resolution of valuation disputes Valuation Coordinator
Introduction to Organism Management 10 Depopulation Coordinator Determine effective and humane depopulation methods Coordinate the assembly and deployment of sufficient, appropriately trained and briefed slaughter teams Coordinate, monitor and report on the slaughter of stock across Restricted Places
Introduction to Organism Management 11 Disposal Coordinator Coordinate the acquisition and deployment of sufficient, adequately trained and briefed personnel and resources for the disposal of carcasses and contaminated material Liaise with authorities on the establishment and utilisation of off-site disposal facilities Monitor and report on the disposal of carcases and contaminated material across RP’s
Introduction to Organism Management 12 Treatment Coordinator Coordinate the acquisition and deployment of Treatment Teams for Restricted Places Coordinate, monitor and report on decontamination and treatment across Restricted Place
Introduction to Organism Management 13 Establish a functioning organism management administration capability in an incursion response Ensure the availability of up-to-date information on organism management actions, schedules, delegations, allocations and outputs Check the reconciliation of reported and recorded data from valuation, destruction, disposal and treatment actions on and across Restricted Places Administration Coordinator
Introduction to Organism Management 14 Restricted Place Manager Plan and effectively and efficiently manage all operations on a Restricted Place Determine and secure the resources to conduct these operations, and Provide ongoing assessment of and report on progress towards the eradication of the organism on the Restricted Place Security Officer Mustering Team Leader Restricted Place Manager Health and Safety Officer Disposal Team Leader Treatment Team Leader Depopulation Team Leader Valuation Team Le a der
Introduction to Organism Management 15 Health and Safety Officer Ensure adherence to safe working practices on a Restricted Place Respond appropriately to emergencies and/or accidents on a Restricted Place Liaise with the Department of Labour with respect to health and safety in managing organisms on a Restricted Place Advise RP Manager regarding OSH activities on the Restricted Place
Introduction to Organism Management 16 Security Officer Establish and maintain the quarantine and security of a Restricted Place Control and log the movement of people, equipment and resources onto and from a Restricted Place Establish, operate and maintain a Gate Control Unit for a Restricted Place, and Process the requisition and hand-over of adequate and appropriate resources for the management of an organism on a Restricted Place
Introduction to Organism Management 17 Lead a group of people in mustering, gathering and containing livestock on a Restricted Place in readiness for valuation and/or depopulation Mustering Team Leader
Introduction to Organism Management 18 Lead a group of people in tallying and recording the characteristics of livestock on a Restricted Place in readiness for depopulation actions undertaken by others, and Lead a group of people in recording the characteristics of goods, chattels, fixtures, fittings and other items on a Restricted Place scheduled for destruction or treatment, and Determine the value of stock, goods, chattels, fixtures, fittings and other items scheduled for destruction or treatment Valuation Team Leader
Introduction to Organism Management 19 Lead a group of people in the depopulation of livestock on a Restricted Place, and Lead a group of people in preparing carcases for disposal Depopulation Team Leader
Introduction to Organism Management 20 Lead a group of people in the disposal (or loading for disposal) of carcases on a Restricted Place, and Lead a group of people in the disposal (or loading for disposal) of contaminated materials on a Restricted Place. Disposal Team Leader
Introduction to Organism Management 21 Lead a group of people in treating vehicles, equipment and other materials to remove contaminated material and/or eliminate contamination on a Restricted Place Oversee the establishment and maintenance of a Treatment Pad on a Restricted Place Provide technical advice to other teams in the safe application of chemicals and disinfectants, and Check the readiness of a Restricted Place for Final Inspection Treatment Team Leader
Introduction to Organism Management 22 Contacted by Logistics and advised the details of the Exotic Disease Response Provide a contact phone number for yourself during your standby period Review Organism Management processes and procedures Phase 1 Standby
Introduction to Organism Management 23 Phase 1 Standby - Resources Ensure you have: –gumboots –overalls –a waterproof coat and hat or parka – waterproof trousers –transport to the Restricted Place –Instrument of Appointment as an Authorised person under the Biosecurity Act 1993 –Photographic Identification Card, and –cell phone
Introduction to Organism Management 24 Receive a call alerting you to the Exotic Disease Investigation form as been dispatched You will need to: –Make whatever personal arrangements are necessary so you can report immediately on being notified –Print a copy of the RP Managers Task List Phase 2 Standby
Introduction to Organism Management 25 RP Operations Manager will call you and advise that you will be appointed to a Restricted Place They will arrange with you a time and place for the briefing to be held or if it is to be by telephone Report for the briefing as agreed with required resources Phase 3 Appointment (Deploy Initial Staff and Resources)
Introduction to Organism Management 26 Phase 1 – The period from notification of the need to conduct an initial investigation of a suspect exotic disease, by the Incident Controller until the Initial Investigation Vet reports a clinical diagnosis Phase 2 – Deployment of an Exotic Disease Investigator Vet to provide an expert clinical diagnosis, following an Initial Investigator Vet not negative diagnosis Phase 3 – The period following the request by the Incident Controller to initiate response actions. Response Phases
Introduction to Organism Management 27 Organism Management Terminology Infected Place – A place where infected animals or unwanted organisms are present. Restricted Place – Any place that an inspector or an authorised person has declared to be a restricted place under section 130 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Introduction to Organism Management 28 Restricted Place Notice – A legal document served by an inspector or authorised person under section 130 of the Biosecurity Act Restricted Place Management Plan – a plan for each Restricted Place that describes the quarantine, valuation, depopulation, disposal and treatment appropriate for the infected place and associated places. Restricted Place Management Plan – a plan for the containment or eradication of the unwanted organism on the Restricted Place. Organism Management Terminology
Introduction to Organism Management 29 Organism Management Terminology Treatment – A process or procedure that removes the risk of disease spread or contamination from a risk good or risk activity. GCU – Gate Control Unit FKDM – Farm Key Decision Maker – The person who owns, resides at or manages the place and has day to day decision making responsibility.
Introduction to Organism Management 30 During this session we covered: Session Summary 1.What is Organism Management and where does it fit into the Exotic Disease Response process 2.Exotic Disease Response Roles – Organism Management Group 3.Standby and Appointment Process 4.Common Organism Management terminology and definitions