Linux 简介
Contents Unix GNU/Linux, Distributions Basic usage Applications Compiling, compilers Clustering
Unix Most important operating system, developed in the 60s and 70s at Bell Lab, prototype of most modern OS’s. C language, TCP/IP, … Widely used in servers and workstations. Dominant in key-task servers or mainframes. Lots of variations: Solaris, Irix, AIX, HP-UX, BSD, SCO unix, Xinix, Mac OS X, Linux, …
GNU/Linux GNU's Not Unix, Unix-like software, but free and not containing any Unix code, 1984 GPL (General Public License ) Linux, 1991, kernel Linux distributions (boot loader, kernel, boot scripts, gcc, bash, KDE, Gnome, applications, package management
Linux distributions Redhat Linux SuSE Debian Ubuntu Gentoo …
Common Unix commands Directory and file creation and navigation: ls cd pwd mkdir rm rmdir cp find touch File viewing and editing: more less vi emacs head tail Text processing: echo cat grep sort awk cut tr split printf File comparison: comm cmp diff patch Miscellaneous shell tools: yes test System administration: chmod chown ps su w who Communication: mail ftp finger ssh Authentication: su passwd Helping: help man
Windows clients Shell: Telnet (X), ssh (putty, secureCRT, …), X-window (Xwin32, Hummingbird, Exceed, …) ftp (?), sftp, pscp (in putty package)
VNC vncserver –vncserver –kill :n vncviewer tightvnc
Visualization Gnuplot IDL
Online docs Guideshttp:// Distribution sites
Applications,, … database (mysql, postgresql, …) office (openoffice, tex, …) development (gcc, perl, python, …) X-Windows apps, web browser, …
compiling gcc, pgcc, g77, pgCC, g++, opencc, openCC pgf90, pgf95, pg77, openf90 optimizing –On, -fastsse linking PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, include path, library path running (path)
debugging, profiling gdb, pgdb gprof, pgprof
Clustering rsh node topall top mpif90, mpicc mpirun –n 4 a.out