M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 Remote Logging System (rls) Marc Gessner Centre de Calcul de l ’IN2P3
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 RLS - Presentation n Why did we develop a message router ? The IN2P3-Computing Center. What we had & what we needed. n What is RLS ? Main Principles. The messages. The client Products : –RLS Console : GUI, customization of display and filters. –WebRLS : Queries and results. n What do you need to remember ?
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 IN2P3 Computing Center n More than 250 Unix Stations. n 5 Different UNIX Flavours. n Remains available 24h/24 & 7d/7. n Thousands (Millions) of log messages generated everyday. n Various « home-made » applications.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 Former administration systems n Mail messages : Much too slow. Systems administrators mailboxes pollution (Often thousands of mails a day). n Syslogs : Too many messages to read them everyday. No standard message format for different operating systems. No filtering.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 The need of renewal n We needed something to replace The logs had to be centralized. It had to be filtered –Easier to read. –Smaller impact on network bandwidth. It should have generated audio alarms for high severity messages. It had to be quick and reliable. It had to work on heterogeneous platforms and networks.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 Commercial Products n Each of the products had at least one of the drawbacks listed here below. Filtering difficult and uneasy to adapt. Difficult to parameterize or to interface with «home-made» applications. Heavy load for the platforms (CPU Time / Network bandwidth / Disk space). NIS / DNS dependant.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 What is RLS ? n The message router was developed at the end of 1997 for and by the System Administration group. n Used since Feb 1998 for error and alert messages transmission. An information centralization product
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 Principles n Developed in C. Uses UDP-TCP/IP, sockets and IPCs. n Agents available for AIX, Digital Unix, HP-UX, Linux and Solaris. n Provides both : an API to send messages from «home-made» applications in C and C++. a command line interface to send messages from shell scripts.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 RLS : How it works. rlsd Any program + RLS agent Any program + RLS agent MonitoredServer UDP/IP RLS server Clients TCP/IP Text Files Webrls rlscons Webrls rlscons
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 The message n A Message is made of : A «tag» : Sending application name or default class. A severity level. A text. A unique message identifier (uuid). Identification of the sender : –UID / GID / Host of the sender. Emission and reception timestamps.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 Client Products n RlsCons - X graphical console. - « Real time » displaying. - C program with GTK graphical interface. n WebRLS - Available from any web browser. - History display. - CGI - BIN program.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 RlsCons.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 RLSCons Customization n All the displayed information can be customized.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 RLSCons Customization n To each severity can be associated : A sound : Increases your popularity among your colleagues. Color codes.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 RLSCons Customization n Set up of filters : Beta platforms which shall not be monitored. Problems you don ’t want to hear about,...
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 RLSCons Messages n Available informations about each message.
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 WebRLS QUERIES
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 WebRLS Results
M.Gessner - System Engineer HepIX’99 More Info... n Performances : 1 Second to display a message in RLSConsole. Able to handle at least 100 Messages per second. n Interested ? mailto: n About GTK :