WWII “This nation will remain a neutral nation, but I cannot ask that every American remain neutral in thought as well.” FDR, 1939 1
Dictators Threaten World Peace Mussolini, Dictator of Italy. Extreme Nationalism, and Militaristic. Hitler, Germany. Extreme Racism and militaristic. Nazi Party. Stalin, Soviet Union, Communist, Revolution by workers. Japan, Military Leaders. 2
Reasons for Rise of Dictatorships Economic Turmoil: World wide depression, Germany paying war reparations Sagging National Spirit: Restore past glories
Italy Individual had no rights. Only the “state” is important Restore past glory of Rome Gain overseas colonies: attacked Ethiopia 1935
Russia Aimed to be an industrial giant. Initiated the “Great Purge” 3 million political opponents removed. Stopped political, religious, and human rights. Wanted communism to spread
Japan Military groups in 1920’s Revive Samurai Code-Glorify Warriors Engage in naval armament race with Great Britain Look to expand, and gain raw materials for industry Looks at the U.S. as the chief rival of the U.S.
Germany Created the National Socialist Party: Nazis Hitler: Tremendous motivator of the masses Restore national pride Promised order out of chaos. Germany’s problems blamed on the Jews, International Bankers, Communists, Old German Leaders, and nations who signed the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler Wrote “Mein Kampf” in jail and plans a new German Empire (Reich) that would last 100 years. Belief that Germans are the master race and all other races such as Jews, Slavs were inferior and less than human. Final Solution: Exterminate Jews from the earth. Dictatorship was the only form of government that would work. Give power to the strong.
Members of the Nazi Hierarchy Herman Goerring: Leader of Luftwaffe, old-time friend of Hitler Heinrich Himmler: Head of Nazi SS, in charge of dealing with the final solution Joseph Goebels: Minister of Propaganda, kept final solution a secret. Rudolph Hess: Head of Gestapo (Secret Police)
Minister of Propaganda
Hitler’s Goals/Movement Towards War Restore National Pride Regain lost territory Gain living space Destroy Bolshevism Purify Europe: Final Solution
German Territorial Acquisitions 1936: Germany marches into Rhineland. Mussolini and Hitler signs Rome-Berlin Axis 1938: German marches into Austria to quiet civil disorder, next day Austria is declared part of Germany Hitler demands Czechoslovakia to evacuate the Sudentland. Policy of appeasement is at its highest, Sudentland is signed over.
Germany can’t achieve goals England has radar German planes too far to fly no escort Do not stick to original plan of eliminating RAF
U.S. Increases involvement Involvement with lend-lease program FDR worries allies will run out of money Becomes arsenal of democracy 7 billion $ for ships, planes, tanks
Amer. Involvement American warships begin convoy duty Atlantic charter August 1941 Roosevelt meets with Churchill to discuss the post war world. Countries have the right to determine their own government. Japan sees America as a sleeping giant, U.S. will enter war after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Benito Mussolini 3
Joseph Stalin 4
Nazi Propaganda 6
“I have seen war, and I hate war.” FDR 10