Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY1 DESY Site Report Wolfgang Friebel DESY Nov 1, 2000 HEPiX Fall
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY2 Contents n Linux F Automated installation F Fileserver with IDE disks n Project Disk Cache n LDAP and User registry n Security update F DESY Certificate Authority F Port filtering F Bastion host n Misc topics
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY3 Linux n Automated Linux Installation and Configuration with YaST2 u see also talk by T. Kleinwort u Draft of the YaST2 enhancements worked out (SuSE, DESY) u Prototype of new inst/config tool expected by mid Nov. n Installation of large file servers with IDE disks u similar systems as proposed (and installed) by CERN (F. Collin) u one test system 1.5 TB ordered for H1 (Hamburg) u installation and first tests since two weeks u smaller system 600 GB ordered for Zeuthen u After successful tests further file servers for other experiments planned
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY4 Project Disk Cache n Driven by increasing demands of data storage and access (HERA Luminosity upgrade) n Project objectives - experiments view u Staging of data for analysis and reconstruction, fast and efficient access u efficient usage of staging pools and bandwidth by importance caching u centrally maintained and fully transparent user work space n Project objectives - technical view u optimized usage of existing tape drives, use of cheaper drives possible u automatic exploration of optimal location for data u no explicit staging required any longer u data access independent from data placement n Realisation in cooperation with FNAL n Major goals should be reached at HERA restart (III/2001)
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY5 LDAP and User registry n New LDAP version 3 servers installed (HH+Ztn) u openldap 2.0.6, scheme with minor DESY enhancements u Plans to have NIS functionality with LDAP (1 Linux box in Zeuthen running already for one year with LDAP) n Plans to write (or purchase) a new DESY wide user registry u goal: automation of account related system administration u User registry should be base for LDAP, active directory and further data collections
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY6 Security update n DESY Certificate Authority created (9/2000) u signed by DfN (German research network provider) u two CA’s under the top level DESY CA u first use for web (https) and mail (simap) servers n Very strict port filtering in WAN router (5/2000) u ports only for encrypted protocols open (exceptions http, afs) u opening of further ports only on well founded request u reduction of scans observed, attack against computer with many open ports seen, since then fewer exceptions from policy n Bastion hosts based on Mindterm ssh java applet u in production for Hamburg, in test for Zeuthen
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY7 Misc topics n Status batch system CODINE u company Gridware acquired by Sun in July u freely available for Solaris, other platforms to come u source code will be put under open source code license (I/2001?) u more infos under u farms in Zeuthen and few linux boxes in Hamburg equipped with Codine n Status trouble ticket system (Zeuthen) u more than 4500 tickets resolved since May 1998 u proved successful, only minor „social“ problems not related to SW
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY8 Misc topics (2) n Status of free precompiled software from TWW u very responsive small company (The Written Word) u security updates as fast as possible (sometimes before we heard of the security holes) u one package manager (pkg-inst) for ALL platforms u new platforms Solaris 8, AIX 4.3.2, Digital UNIX 4.0A u TWW tried to improve their distribution including feedback of my talk at the HEPiXspring meeting u we are willing to use TWW for more platforms, decision for Hamburg site not yet taken n Experimental Kerberos 5 infrastructure (HH)
Nov 1, 2000Site report DESY9 Trends n Rise in compute power mostly Linux u April:304(HH)+66(Ztn)Systems, Oct: n Increasing number of Solaris boxes for service functions u > n High and rising demands in storage capacity u Luminosity upgrade for HERA in 2001 u taking APEMille parallel computers into production n Decreasing number of System Administrators n Increasing average age of Sysadmins