Laser Cooling 1. Doppler Cooling – optical molasses. 2. Magneto-optical trap. 3. Doppler temperature.
Doppler Cooling: How can a laser cool? Lab frame v
v Atom’s frame Doppler Cooling: How can a laser cool?
Lab frame v Atom’s frame Lab frame, after absorption v-v recoil Doppler Cooling: How can a laser cool?
Lab frame v Atom’s frame Lab frame, after absorption v-v recoil Doppler Cooling: How can a laser cool?
Lab frame v Atom’s frame Absorb a photon atom gets momentum kick. Repeat process at 10 7 kicks/s large deceleration. Emitted photons are radiated symmetrically do not affect motion on average Absorb a photon atom gets momentum kick. Repeat process at 10 7 kicks/s large deceleration. Emitted photons are radiated symmetrically do not affect motion on average Lab frame, after absorption v-v recoil Doppler Cooling: How can a laser cool?
Lab frame v Atom’s frame Absorb a photon atom gets momentum kick. Repeat process at 10 7 kicks/s large deceleration. Emitted photons are radiated symmetrically do not affect motion on average Absorb a photon atom gets momentum kick. Repeat process at 10 7 kicks/s large deceleration. Emitted photons are radiated symmetrically do not affect motion on average Lab frame, after absorption v-v recoil m/s m/s 2 87 Rb: = - I = I sat V doppler ~ 10 cm/s V recoil = 6 mm/s Doppler Cooling: How can a laser cool?
Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT) Problem: Doppler cooling reduces momentum spread of atoms only. Similar to a damping or friction force (optical molasses). Does not reduce spatial spread. Does not confine the atoms.
Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT) Solution: Spatially tune the laser-atom detuning with the Zeeman shift from a spatially varying magnetic field. z B, ~10 G/cm ~14 MHz/cm Problem: Doppler cooling reduces momentum spread of atoms only. Similar to a damping or friction force (optical molasses). Does not reduce spatial spread. Does not confine the atoms.
Magneto-Optical Trap E ee gg 2-level atom
E ee gg magnetic gradient + z B Magneto-Optical Trap
E ee gg 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” magnetic gradient + z m F =0 m F =-1 m F =+1 B Magneto-Optical Trap
E ee gg 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” magnetic gradient + m F =0 m F =-1 m F =+1 z B Magneto-Optical Trap
E ee gg 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” magnetic gradient + m F =0 m F =-1 m F =+1 z B Magneto-Optical Trap
E ee gg 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” magnetic gradient + m F =0 m F =-1 m F =+1 z B -- ++ Magneto-Optical Trap
E ee gg 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” 4-level atom |g “F=0”, |e “F=1” magnetic gradient + m F =0 m F =-1 m F =+1 z B -- ++ Magneto-Optical Trap
Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT)
~ 100 K
Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT)
Rb atoms
Francium MOT PROBLEM: Accelerator produces only 10 6 Fr atoms/s. Very difficult to work with. SOLUTION: SOLUTION: Attach a Francium Magneto-Optical Trap to the accelerator. Cold Francium is concentrated in ~1 mm 3 volume. With T < 100 K, Doppler broadening is negligible. Long integration times. Minimally perturbative environment (substrate free).
Francium MOT PROBLEM: Accelerator produces only 10 6 Fr atoms/s. Very difficult to work with. SOLUTION: SOLUTION: Attach a Francium Magneto-Optical Trap to the accelerator. Cold Francium is concentrated in ~1 mm 3 volume. With T < 100 K, Doppler broadening is negligible. Long integration times. Minimally perturbative environment (substrate free). MOT with ~ Fr atoms MOT collection efficiency ~ 1 %