The Web By Peter Loganbill
First in Germany August 3, 1984 Sent from the U.S. Werner Zorn played a critical role Sent to the staff of the University of Karlsruhe so they could fulfill a contract they had with CSNET Zorn and his team used Transfer Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to send it
Japan’sUNIX Network Developed 1984 Dr. Jun Murai – “father of the Internet in Japan” Developed the Japanese University UNIX Network (JUNET) The first inter-university network in that nation Helped with communication
1985 Internet is well established Supports researchers and developers Electronic mail is being widely used While different systems are used for , they are all interconnected – which demonstrates the utility of broad based electronic communications between people
First U.S. Research Network Developed January 1, 1985 Dr. Stephen Wolff – leader of the development of NSFNET The first U.S open computer network supporting research and higher education He wanted the Internet to effect the commercial and academic world Interconnected NSF sponsored supercomputing computers, regional research, educational networks and federal agency networks, and international research and educational networks
1986 TCP/IP is available on workstations and PCs Ethernet is becoming accepted for wiring inside buildings and across campuses The need for readily available information on TCP/IP in workshops and manuals arises To fulfill the need, companies start such as Proteon, Synoptics, Banyan, Cabletron, Wellfleet, and Cisco