1 יהודית בר אילן המחלקה ללימודי מידע אוניברסיטת בר-אילן.


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Presentation transcript:

1 יהודית בר אילן המחלקה ללימודי מידע אוניברסיטת בר-אילן

2 Philosophical Transactions  The world's oldest scientific journal in continuous publication. Established in  Its aim: “to inform the Fellows of the Society and other interested readers of the latest scientific discoveries. As such, Philosophical Transactions established the important principles of scientific priority and peer review, which have become the central foundations of scientific journals ever since.” ( )


4 All content freely available online


6  DOI – persistent identification  “Information about a digital object may change over time, including where to find it, but its DOI name will not change.” (  Development launched in 1998, based on 1996 proposal by 3 publishers  First applications launched 2000  Approx. 43 million DOI names assigned to date  60 million DOI resolutions per month  Draft International Standard Paskin, N. Digital Object Identifier System, ELIS,2010

7  Incorporated in January 2000  “CrossRef is an independent membership association, founded and directed by publishers. CrossRef’s mandate is to connect users to primary research content, by enabling publishers to work collectively. CrossRef is also the official DOI® link registration agency for scholarly and professional publications.” (  CrossRef's specific mandate is to be the citation linking backbone for all scholarly information in electronic form.  It holds no full text content, but rather effects linkages through CrossRef Digital Object Identifiers (CrossRef DOI), which are tagged to article metadata supplied by the participating publishers. (

8  נוסד ב 1997 (הרעיון נולד בועדת משתמשי אל"ף)  מנהל ראשון: פרופ' אלחנן אדלר  1998 ◦ Web of Science, ABI/Inform, Academic Press  1999 ◦ Web of Science, ABI/Inform, Academic Press ◦ Proquest Research Library, OCLC First Search, 3 Chadwick-Healey databases Adler, Information Technology and Libraries, 1999

9 Bar-Ilan, Peritz, Wolman, J. Acad. Lib.

10 Perceived importance of journals and bibliographic databases

11 Frequency of use of bibliographic databases, journals and the Web


13 Frequency of the use of electronic and printed journals

14 Usefulness of electronic and printed journals Fink & Bar-Ilan, LISR, 2005, suggested title: The electronic journals win

15  עלה לרשת בנובמבר 2004  עדיין ב-beta  המון ביקורת מצד ספרנים/מידענים  ציבור המשתמשים נלהב  כיסוי בלתי מוגדר ◦ אין רשימת כתבי עת ◦ לא ידוע איזו תקופת זמן מכוסה  “Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature” ( ) ◦ חופשי






21  “Are you applying for tenure, promotion or a new job? Do you want to include evidence of the impact of your research? Is your work cited in journals which are not ISI listed? Then you might want to try Publish or Perish, designed to help individual academics to present their case for research impact to its best advantage.” (Harzing.com) ◦ Publish or Perish – a tool for accessing Google Scholar data  “I took a look myself, in Google Scholar, which is becoming the standard way to see who is influential in my field of economics.” (Eric Rasmusen’s weblog)

22  “Citations are a valuable and versatile measure of peer influence because they may come from or point to a variety of genres, from Web sites to databases to books in print. Examples include citations in: … Books, printed journals, and newspapers. These are easier to find now, thanks to Google Scholar, Google Print, and Amazon's "look inside the book" feature. ” (Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Addendum, New Media Department, University of Maine)

23  “Citation counts were performed across a wide range of disciplines using both the Thomson ISI files and Google Scholar, and shown to lead to essentially the same results, in spite of their different methods for identifying citing sources. This has strong implications for future citation analyses, and the many promotion, tenure and funding decisions based thereon, notably because ISI products are rather costly, while Google Scholar is free.” (Pauly & Stergiou, Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 2005)  “Google Scholar is clearly making inroads into the info- structure of academia. At the time of this writing, 73 percent of all Research Institutions and one third of all Master's Institutions provide Google Scholar-mediated link resolution from Google Scholar records to licensed full- text library resources” (Neuhaus et al., J. Acad. Librarianship, 2008)

24  עד 2004 מאגר ביבליוגראפי מקיף יחיד  מאז סתיו 2004 ◦ Google Scholar ◦ Scopus של Elsevier  Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.  Nearly 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers  38 million records  ( )

25  Web of Science® provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 10,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 110,000 conference proceedings. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage available to  Overcome information overload and focus on essential data across 256 disciplines.  ( ucts/a-z/web_of_science) ucts/a-z/web_of_science

26  Open Access  Open Access (OA) is free, immediate, permanent online access to the full text of research articles for anyone, webwide.  There are two roads to OA:  (1) the "golden road" of OA journal-publishing, where journals provide OA to their articles (either by charging the author-institution for refereeing/publishing outgoing articles instead of charging the user-institution for accessing incoming articles, or by simply making their online edition free for all); (2) the "green road" of OA self-archiving, where authors provide OA to their own published articles, by making their own eprints free for all.  OA self-archiving is for peer-reviewed research, written solely for research impact rather than royalty revenue.  By Steven Harnad,

27  כיום, רוב המו"לים הגדולים מאפשרים self-archiving של מאמרים (גרסה סופית או "כמעט סופית")  ROMEO מרכז את המדיניות של המול"ים השונים בתחום זה ◦  לדעתו של Harnad:  "An Institutional Repository is the best way to provide OA to research output.”  יתרונות למוסד: הצגת הישגי חוקריו  יתרונות לחוקר: אין צורך בניהול פרסומיו באתר האישי. self-archiving מגדיל את נראות (visibility) ואת הנגישות (accessibility) לפרסומיו  Harnad דוגל לחייב להפקיד את המאמרים למאגר המוסדי  רשימת מוסדות שמחייבים הפקדה: ◦


29  השפעה על ציטוטים  דעות חלוקות  יש מספר גורמים שמשפיעים על ה open access advantage:  Open access (נגישות חופשית)  Early view (היום גם אצל המו"לים)  Quality bias (חוקרים מעדיפים להבליט את העבודות היותר טובות שלהם)  Moed, 2006,  Moed, 2007, JASIST  המו"לים בוחנים את השפעות ה self-archiving  יש גם מאגרים נושאיים (מדיניות שונה). יש גם גופים מממנים המחייבים הפקדה