Accomplishments 9th State of the Future. In addition to previous editions in Spanish, Chinese, Farsi, and Arabic, a Korean 2004 was just published and 2005 is on it’s way A New Node in is being organized in Israel (some discussions in Turkey, Austria, and Nigeria) New Roundless Delphi for accumulative analysis Tech Awards 5th year, 125 Laureates, $1.25 million in awards The Foresight Institute has patterned communications on addressing some of the Global Challenges
Accomplishments/Articles RSA Journal cover article on 15 Global Challenges drawn from 2005 SOF Futurist article on the 2005 SOF Exec. Summary Technological Forecasting & Social Change to publish short version of the Nanotech study Middle East Peace Scenarios Foresight WFS conference volume Technological Forecasting & Social Change elements S&T study with another from national labs
United Nations University Relations Jerry’s meeting with UNU chair Mihaly Simai’s meeting with the Rector of UNU and report of conclusions AC/UNU Meeting in November with the Rector
Global Challenges Updated The annual gross income of organized crime is more than twice that of all military budgets worldwide Internet connects 1 billion people - 15% of the World 60% of the environmental life support system is gone or unsustainable UN terrorism definition will help establish international agreements 24-7 ubiquitous computing accelerates decisionmaking
Review Purpose assist in organizing futures research up-date and improve global thinking about the future, and make that thinking available through a variety of media for consideration in public policy making, advanced training, public education, and feedback to create cumulative wisdom about potential futures.
Review Goal Establish global participatory futures research as a sustainable and cumulative phenomena
Review Objectives Link futurists, related scholars, other creative thinkers, and institutions around the world. Provide a continuous system for identifying and tracking important thinking on key world issues and promote discussion about these issues and their potential solutions. Improve scholarly/multidisciplinary integral approaches in futures research. Increase the awareness of the future and its promise, including the view that the future could be shaped in the interests of society through thoughtful policies. Create a network of self-sustaining Nodes that connect global & local views and research of individuals and institutions around the world Produce annual State of the Future reports Up-date the Futures Research Methodology series Other studies and activities that the Millennium Project deems useful to further the goal of the Project Make the Project sustainable
Millennium Project Nodes... are groups of individuals and institutions that connect global and local views in: Nodes identify participants, translate questionnaires and reports, and conduct interviews, special research, workshops, symposiums, and advanced training. Cyber Node Washington, DC Buenos Aires Cairo London Prague Moscow Rome Madurai Tokyo Beijing Tehran Sao Paulo Caracas Helsinki Paris New Delhi Calgary Silicon Valley Berlin Kuwait Pretoria/Johannesburg Sidney Mexico City Seoul
Discussion of plans and priorities Promotion of 2005 SOF (Translations, Launchings, reviews, Foreign Affairs ad, mailings) Futures Dictionary/Encyclopedia (Editing, funding, use of, and sales) Future Ethical Issues Round 3 (answers) and 4 (scenarios) Women's Future Issues Delphi – prevent duplicating previous work – 15 Challenge focus Latin American 2020 Delphi and Scenarios (pending funding) National SOFIs (Jose with other Nodes, and Top down vs bottom up Global SOFI) Participation of Nodes in monthly environmental security reports Additional MP books: MP scenarios and another on the 15 Challenges Next steps for Partnership for Sustainable Development in Haiti Develop SOFI enterprise software system Input to UN Millennium Summit review speeches September 2005 in NY
Continued discussions of plans and priorities from previous day, plus: General and Node fundraising, marking, and public relations Production of 2006 SOF (Node participation in editing regional considerations in Chapter 1 Updating actions to address the Challenges, but details become overwhelming) Methodology issue: Quality vs quantity of panelists’ responses Use of Calendar, Challenges, Dictionary MP strategy with other blogs Standards to remain and/or become a Node