What is the most obscure food a BMS worker has eaten? Inside of a pig’s head Fried flying ants Cow’s udders
The answer is… all three Inside of a pig’s head Fried flying ants Cow’s udders
How many countries do BMS work in?
“BMS supports 350 personnel in 34 countries” Afghanistan Albania Angola Bangladesh Belgium Bosnia Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Congo Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic EcuadorFrance Guinea Hungary India Indonesia Italy Jamaica Kosovo Lebanon Nepal Paraguay Peru Portugal South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Uganda Zimbabwe
The average age of a long term BMS worker is?
The answer is… 44, but we also have young people age doing their gap year with us
On average, how many years do BMS long term workers serve overseas? Years
The answer is… 9.8 years, but many of our mission workers serve from two weeks to four years
Which country do you need the most vaccinations for? AngolaBangladeshAfghanistan SOURCE: flags.net
Yellow fever – essential Hepatitis A and B – recommended Meningococcus – recommended Polio – recommended Rabies – recommeded Measles, mumps and rubella – recommended Tetanus-diptheria – recommeded And also a course of anti-malarial medication The answer… Angola, where you will need vaccinations for:
How many of the following kinds of work are BMS mission workers doing? Is the answer 8, 14 or 17? Church planting Education including pre school Community development Disaster relief Medical projects Media Advocacy Bible translation Providing air transport for other mission agencies Reaching out to exploited women Environmental projects Marine development Accountancy in partner agencies HIV/AIDS work Rebuilding homes after an earthquake Income generation Palliative care
The answer is… 15 Church planting Education including pre school Medical projects Community development Disaster relief Medical projects Media Advocacy Bible translation Providing air transport for other mission agencies Reaching out to exploited women Environmental projects Marine development Accountancy in partner agencies HIV/AIDS work Rebuilding homes after an earthquake Income generation Palliative care
What is the average distance in miles an action team travels on their UK tour?
How long on average does a BMS mission worker spend in full time study learning a language? 3 months 6 months 12 months ‘Hello’ and ‘How are you?’ in Nepali script
How many BMS mission workers’ children are attending a school that doesn’t teach in English? 41017