Achieving Membership Growth Preparing an Action Plan Adapted from a presentation by Past Governor Ron Denham R.I.M.C. Canada
Key Messages The traditional approach to Membership Development has failed to deliver results; a new approach is needed The key to successful growth lies in preparing and executing an effective Action Plan
The Context Excite About Rotary Educate In Rotary Involve In Club Impacting The Community Inform About Rotary Induct into Rotary Identify prospective members
Key Elements of an Action Plan InputsActivitiesResults
Examples of Inputs People Money Materials Information Energy Knowledge
Examples of Activities Collect information Analyze information Identify options Select the “best” Define the tasks Assign responsibility Set deadlines Carry out tasks Report back
Examples of Results New Members 100% Retention rate New club formed in the district
How would you develop an action plan to reach a personal or professional goal? Question:
What did you want to achieve? How did you go about it? Did you get the results you expected, when you expected? If no, what did you do about it? Example – The Process
Considerations State the results you wish to achieve Look at different methods of proceeding Assess, evaluate, choose Draw up a list of tasks Set time line Commit — start work
How to Develop an Action Plan for Membership Growth
Inputs Club/ District goals Approval and Commitment of Club
Activities Select strategy Prepare the Action Plan Proceed with the plan Induct
Results Review and Evaluate Results Revise, Implement, Repeat
What are your club/district goals? How do we get buy-in from the club(s)? Select the Strategy Preparing the Action Plan - Membership Committee Induct Review and Evaluate Results Revise, Implement, Repeat Important Steps
What are your club / district goals?
How do we get buy-in from the club(s)?
Review present situation Have committee propose strategies Identify roadblocks Get buy-in from Club and Membership Committee If we continue to do what we’ve always done, we’ll continue to get the same results
III.Selecting the Strategy
Preparing the Action Plan - Membership Committee
Induct (hopefully) — Introduce to Mentor!!
VI. Review and Evaluate Results
VII. Revise, Implement, Repeat
Membership Retention Prepare, manage a similar process