Membership Development Report Region 4 Meeting January 27-28, 2007 Marriott Hotel, Chicago Tarek Lahdhiri Region 4 MD Chair
Responsibilities l Promote Membership Development and diversity l Development, implementation and evaluation of programs intended to recruit new members, retain existing members and recover members l Analysis of membership statistics l Support the Senior and Fellow membership program l Create new MD products that fits the Region l Enhancement & maintenance of the MD Web pages l Communicate member feedback to IEEE MD committees
2006 Membership Statistics l Region 4: -1.4%Region 1-6 Average: -1.1% l R4 Students: - 4.5% l R4 Higher grade: - 0.8%
2006 Membership Snapshot Dec 2006 – highest point in four years 2006 Terminator – lowest point in four years
Key Activities in 2006 l Developed and distributed Media to promote MD resources l IEEE Membership tables at major events l Encouraged IEEE-USA committees to visit Region 4 and promote IEEE services and benifits: CWPC Workshop for the Southeatern Michigan Section l Conducted several workshops to increase IEEE membership awareness
Plan for 2007 l Increase IEEE awareness among sections : MD Chair in each section l More communications with the local MD Chairs: Webinars, Seminars, and workshops l Promote membership elevation programs l Increase IEEE awareness among sections l Provide support to GOLD and WIE l Provide support to ExCom programs and projects l Participate in MD workshops and wecasts l Conduct and organize a membership retreat in R4
Proposal for a 2007 R4 MD Retreat l Goals: Provide MD leaders with training to achieve the IEEE goals for membership retention and recruitment l Format: One full day workshop l Date: Saturday (April 2007) l Participants: Sections MD Leaders l Location: Chicago (Marriott Chicago Hotel) l Lodging: requires 2 night hotel stay l Speaker: Charles Lord, Region 3 l Budget: $5000 from the Region. l The Region will pay up to $250 for one section representative l The section will reimburse the rest of expenses
Proposal for 2007 R4 MD Retreat l Introduction to IEEE Region 4 MD Retreat (1/2 hour) - Where do we fit in the “big picture” and why are we here l Review Membership Statistics for 2006 (1/2 hour) - What can we learn from the 2006 statistics l IEEE Section Operation (2 hours) - The “nuts and bolts” of how a section operates, who to call for what and where the resources are l Communications Basics for Sections (1 hours) - How we use all the communication “tools” available to us to communicate and work with one another and how we communicate—both ways—with our members l Vision, Mission, and Strategic Planning (1 hours) - Does your section have a vision of where it wants to be? Do you have a plan? Goals? Have you ever done strategic planning? Come learn how! l Conference Basics (1.5 hours) - Basics of how to plan and carry out a successful conference, including a look at the rules as well as the many resources available throughout the IEEE l Brainstorming Session (1 hours) - Ideas for section/area/ region level projects, including examples of past projects and sources for funding.