Religious extremism By Jordan Backman
History Religious extremism is not a new idea. It has been around for thousands of years. One major event was the crusades which was done during the middle ages. They targeted Muslims and Jews who were living in the holy land also known as Jerusalem in today's world. The holocaust. This is were over 6 million Jews were killed just because there faith was different than the Nazis. And the Nazis believed anyone but them was unsure. The KKK in the united states are responsible for the burning of churches and the deaths of blacks and Jews in the south.
Current Status Suicide bomber in the middle east blow themselves up daily in the name of there god. Christians in Nigeria attack and kill hundreds of Muslims in riots through out the country. They attack with machetes and shotguns, and burn Muslims in the streets. In Kashmir A chronically unstable region of the world, claimed by both Pakistan and India. The availability of nuclear weapons and the eagerness to use them are destabilizing the region further. In Uganda Christian rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army are conducting a civil war in the north of Uganda. Their goal is a Christian theocracy whose laws are based on the Ten Commandments. They abduct about 2,000 children a year who are enslaved and/or raped.
Reasons for the problem There are many reasons for religious extremism. One is that the parents of the kids and teenagers grew up being told that what they are doing is right. So then they pass that thought onto there children. Another reason would be is that there scripture tells them that when they die they will be rewarded greatly. So then they don’t really have a point to live because they want to live in great happiness. Also a cause is when there scripture encourages violence towards others. Example: 9:123 Believers! Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you. When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds, then set them free, either by grace or ransom, until the war lays down its burdens. - 47:4
Realistic/ logical prediction of the ultimate outcome With Iran getting hold of nuclear weapons and the hamas now hold of the government in Palestine there could be big trouble. Because of there increasing availability, Nuclear weapons might be eventually used in there holy war. The violence will continue, mostly because the main religious leaders refuse to revise there scriptures. So with the same scriptures supporting violence it will be an endless cycle.
Realistic Solution of the prob/ Implementation One way to solve this problem would to change some of the main scriptures f the world. Another would to teach respect for others beliefs in public schools. If something is not done, this problem will never end and the death and violence will continue for other generations.