Quality Management Program (QMP) A Tool for Section/Division Member Leaders
Agenda What is QMP? What are the requirements? What are the recognition levels?
What is QMP? Management tool Process –Plan –Do –Check –Act
Management tool QMP outline –Key dates Minimum requirements QMP level requirements Recognition cycle –Tools available Timeline Templates
Plan ASQ strategic direction Assessment Resources What activities will the section/division pursue for the year? How will the success be measured?
Do Comply with minimum requirements Complete and submit the business plan and budget Conduct the activities planned
Check Generally happens simultaneously with “Do” Monitor outcomes Compare to expectations –Progress to plan –Satisfaction –Retention –Loyalty Track results
Act What revisions might be needed: –For the current plan/budget year –For the following year Report results at the end of the year Use for next year’s planning
What are the requirements? Minimum requirements Business plan Budget Measures for retention, loyalty, and satisfaction
Minimum requirements Not voluntary Corresponds to QMP Basics Level Must meet communicated deadlines
Minimum requirements Submit required elected officers and appointed committee chairs by deadline Submit required pieces of the annual financial audit by deadline Maintain minimum number of members Conduct regularly scheduled activities Uphold bylaws, policies & procedures, and governing agreements Be a member unit in good standing
Officers/Committee Chairs Generally due by May 15 annually Submit via online entry tool –For the coming term, changes to roster must be submitted to
Annual Financial Audit Due by August 15 annually Current and incoming Chairs, Treasurers, and Audit Chairs contacted in June –Required materials provided to each section in this communication
Non-deadline requirements Minimum number of members is 30 for sections; 50 for divisions –Measured with June 30 totals Activities – captured in business plan Measured by exception: –Good standing –Adherence to bylaws, policies & procedures, operating agreements
Business Plan Required by operating agreements; monitored through QMP Use templates available Includes five required elements: –Objectives –Activities/tactics –Measures –Goals –Results
Budget Required in operating agreements; monitored through QMP Corresponds to business plan Use template available
Submission details Divisions: due June 30 annually Sections: due October 1 annually Submit to Regional Director (sections) or Group Facilitator
What are the recognition levels? Level 1 - Basics Level 2 - Planning Level 3 – Performance (Total Quality and Excellence) Levels of recognition are cumulative
Level 1 - Basics Not voluntary – recognition is earned based on timeliness and absence of issues Submit minimum requirements by deadlines Minimum number of members as of June 30 No complaints related to: –Activities –Governance issues
Level 1 - Basics Recognition –Use of annual Basics mark of excellence –Announcement in Friday Fast Facts, Member Leader Community of Practice
Level 2 - Planning Meet Basics level Submit annual business plan and budget by deadline Recognition –Use of annual Planning mark of excellence –Announcement in Friday Fast Facts, Member Leader Community of Practice
Level 3 – Performance Two separate performance recognition opportunities Must meet Levels 1 and 2 to qualify for either –Total Quality/J.S. McDermond Total Quality –Excellence
Total Quality Achieve 75% of the goals from the previous year’s business plan Submit the following documentation to Regional Director (sections), and Group Facilitator (divisions): –Completed plan with results –Letter verifying that 75% of the goals were met
Total Quality Recognition Use of annual Total Quality/J.S. McDermond marks of excellence Announcement in Friday Fast Facts, Member Leader Community of Practice 4 lapel pins World Conference –Presentation of award –Ribbon –Listed in QMP awards program
Excellence Earn bronze, silver, or gold-level excellence by meeting one, two, or three of the following priorities: –Retention: meet or exceed the overall section or division average; measured from June 30 retention report –Satisfaction*: meet or exceed the overall section or division average –Loyalty*: meet or exceed the overall section or division average *measured from annual Society survey
Bronze Meet 1 of the 3 priorities Use of annual Excellence Bronze mark of excellence Announcement in Friday Fast Facts, Member Leader Community of Practice Award mailed World Conference –Ribbon –Listed in QMP awards program
Silver Meet 2 of the 3 priorities Use of annual Excellence Silver mark of excellence Announcement in Friday Fast Facts, Member Leader Community of Practice Award mailed World Conference –Ribbon –Listed in QMP awards program
Gold Meet 3 of the 3 priorities Use of annual Excellence Gold mark of excellence Announcement in Friday Fast Facts, Member Leader Community of Practice 4 lapel pins World Conference –Presentation of award –Ribbon –Listed in QMP awards program
Program Redesign QMP Committee working toward redesign –Identify meaningful metrics –Adjust comparison methos –Communication –Additional point award system for various initiatives
QMP Online Visit the Member Leader Area on Key Tasks, Quality Management Process
Summary QMP is a management tool that helps section stability through frequent leadership changes Participation facilitates compliance with operating requirements Participation provides an opportunity for recognition