Geometry Notes Section 1-1
What you’ll learn How to identify and model points, lines, and planes How to identify collinear and coplanar points and intersecting lines and planes in space.
Point-- A point is simply a location Draw it with a dot Name it with a CAPITAL printed letter– you only have 26 choices P Fact: It has no shape—no thickness, width, or length—therefore it has no dimension Words/Symbols: point P
Collinear points are points that lie on the same line Line– made up of points Draw it with arrows Name it with With 2 points on the line a lowercase cursive letter– again 26 choices n A Fact: There is exactly one line through any two points Words/Symbols: Line AB, line BA n AB or BA B Collinear points are points that lie on the same line ↔ ↔
Plane—flat surface made up of points Draw it with a shaded, slanted, 4-sided figure Name it with With 3 noncollinear points a CAPITOL CURSIVE letter– again 26 choices B A C Fact: There is exactly one plane through 3 noncollinear points Words/Symbols: CAT B T Coplanar points are points that lie on the same plane
Have you learned? How to identify and model points, lines, and planes How to identify collinear and coplanar points and intersecting lines and planes in space. Your assignment is Worksheet 1.1