Couples for Christ USA Evangelization and Mission Plan for 2014 To be faithfully reviewed quarterly
Planning Template CFCUSA Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area GoalsAction Plan 1. Deepening Personal relationship with God and brethren Growth in Holiness as seen thru 1.Membership Growth 2.Membership Retention 3.Generosity in Time, Talent & Treasure Membership Growth 1.CFC --- ___% 2.SFC --- ___% 3.YFC --- ___% 4.SOLD --- ___% 5.HOLD --- ___% Membership Retention 100% Increase in tithes (amount & %age tithers) 1.Mission Core ---$ and ___% 2.Leaders --- $ and ___% 3.Members --- $ and ___% Monthly 30% remittance to CFC USA Mission Fund
Planning Template CFCUSA Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area GoalsAction Plan 2. Inspiring, Relevant, Accessible & Contemporized Formation (e.g. Theology of the Body, Gateway evangelization, life stage relevant formation Growth in Holiness as seen thru 1.Membership Growth 2.Membership Retention 3.Generosity in Time, Talent & Treasure Same measurements as in priority 1 Stage-relevant formation track given to leaders and members 1.Faithfully implement pastoral formation tracks for leaders & members 2.Review and implement relevant Young Couples and Seniors Formation Program Gateway evangelization programs
Planning Template CFCUSA Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area GoalsAction Plan 3. Couples for Christ and the Family Ministries Presence and Involvement in other Dioceses and/or Parishes Presence in new dioceses and/or parishes 1.Complete Diocese/Parish list inventory by January CLPs in new dioceses and/or parishes Identified CFC Service in the parish 1.Assign an elder for church/clergy relations 2. Deliberate involvement in parish/diocesan activities but esp. Pre-Cana or Marriage Prep. Program Youth Family & Life Apostolate Liturgical Ministries (i.e. altar server, etc) Strengthen Relationship with Parish Priest/Clergy 1.Integrate CFC schedule with Parish schedule 2.Offer relevant CFC & FAMIN modules
Planning Template CFCUSA Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area GoalsAction Plan 4. All BCOP program are to be supported as fullness of the work Implement all BCOP- ANCOP Programs (timeframe to be determined by local area a)Education (CSP & Cornerstone) is the priority Work with the Poor Programs in ALL Areas. Increase program beneficiaries and members engagement based on detailed implementation manuals, training & clear manpower assignment guidelines 1.Start or increase number of CSP scholars in country and/or other countries 2.Start or increase CSP Funds (internal/external). a)Relevant ANCOP Community Dev. Programs & Social Dev. Programs to be implemented in targeted areas All other BCOP programs based on area’s capability Study & implement other relevant BCOP programs
Planning Template CFCUSA Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area GoalsAction Plan 5. Comprehensive, Updated & Integrated One Global Data System utilized as a pastoral tool 100% areas faithfully updating and utilizing the One Global Data System Enrollment of all members for the country Dec 28, 2013 – min 90% April 30, 2014 – 100% Utilization (Number Analytics) – on March 14, 2014 Used in Service as Pastoral Tool from Household Head up starting March 2014
Planning Template CFCUSA Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area GoalsAction Plan 6. Deliberate raising of missionaries for deployment to the ends of the earth Number of mission volunteers and Mission Workers (full time pastoral workers) raised up and deployed within the country Deliberate encouragement, identification & formation for those who are willing to be Mission Volunteers or Mission Workers / FTPWs Number of mission volunteers / workers assigned to regular out of country mission Set up Mission Volunteers / Workers Training Program in coordination with GMC PFO Number of Mission Worker ( full time pastoral workers) raised up and deployed outside of the country Send for missionary training (FTPWs) to the Philippines and appropriate budget for it