Data from the Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study (CHIPS) Reports up to May 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Data from the Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study (CHIPS) Reports up to May 2005

Background for CHIPS The Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study (CHIPS) was established in April 2000 as a multi-centre cohort study of HIV infected children in the UK and Ireland. The collaboration is between 25 centres in the UK and Ireland that care for HIV-infected children, many of whom are enrolled in PENTA trials the National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood (NSHPC), and the MRC Clinical Trials Unit

Follow-up status of 994 children enrolled in CHIPS

Age and year at first presentation to medical services in UK (N=994) Up to At birth 100(12%) 9( 8%) 3( 6%) 0 <1 yr 225(27%) 12(11%) 9(17%) yrs 289(35%) 24(21%) 16(31%) yrs 151(18%) 45(40%) 15(29%) 3 >=10 yrs 62( 8%) 22(20%) 9(17%) 0 Total

Year No in Median age Age groups follow-up (IQR) <1 yr 1-4 yrs 5-9 yrs  10 yrs ( ) 47(14%) 141(42%) 118(35%) 30(9%) ( ) 58(15%) 142(37%) 145(38%) 39(10%) ( ) 56(12%) 166(36%) 173(38%) 61(13%) ( ) 43(8%) 176(34%) 204(40%) 91(18%) ( ) 39(7%) 188(32%) 230(39%) 127(22%) ( ) 38(6%) 187(29%) 247(38%) 179(27%) ( ) 37(5%) 178(25%) 279(39%) 224(31%) ( ) 37(5%) 160(20%) 328(41%) 277(35%) ( ) 29(4%) 139(17%) 315(39%) 317(40%) Age distribution of children in follow-up over calendar time * Age is taken to be age at start of the year, or age at presentation if child presented during that year

All hospital admissions during Year Number Number Proportion Total Rate children children admitted number (# adm per seen admitted (%) admissions pyar) Admissions may be underreported for children in shared care where only information from the main CHIPS follow-up centre are reported. Data for 2004 are incomplete and are not presented.

HIV RNA viral load at 6 months after starting HAART as first line therapy N=434 with measurements available (96 missing) Year HIV RNA (copies/ml) (20%) 58 (36%) 70 (44%) 2000/02 47 (30%) 59 (37%) 52 (33%) (59%) 25 (22%) 22 (19%) Total 148 (34%) 142 (33%) 144 (33%)

Data on 818 children who are still alive and in follow-up (794 in CHIPS centres and 24 who have transferred to non-CHIPS centres) Those who have died, lost to follow-up, left the UK & Ireland or transferred to adult care are excluded

Demographic Data (N=818) * Data provided by NSHPC - 418(51%) are female - 450(55%) born UK/Ireland, 366(45%) born abroad (2 missing) - Ethnicity White 87 (11%) Black African 611 (75%) Black Other 12 (1%) Indian SC 11 (1%) Mixed 84 (10%) Other 7 (1%) Not known 6 (1%) - Diagnosis of maternal infection (N=777 vertically infected) Known after delivery 650 (84%) Known before delivery 111 (14%) Not known 16 (2%)

636 (78%) London 18 (2%) Scotland 98 (12%) Rest of England 58 (8%) Ireland 8 (1%) Wales Regional distribution of main follow-up centre for 818 children alive and followed up in CHIPS Children who have died, lost to follow-up, left the UK & Ireland or transferred to adult care are excluded

Year of last follow-up (N=818)

Clinical stage by age at last follow-up (N=818) Number of children:Total (col %) (42%) (29%) (29%)

Antiretroviral drug experience N=802 children with follow-up since January 2003 Number of children:Total (col %) (24%) (43%) (23%) (10%)

ART at last follow-up N=526 children with follow-up since Jan 2003 were on treatment 7 on dual, 449 on 3-drug, 67 on 4-drug and 3 on 5(+)-drug therapy

Most recent CD4% (N=794) Children followed up since January 2003

Most recent HIV RNA viral load (N=793) Children followed up since January 2003