Classroom Rules/Grading and Classroom Procedures for Mr. McLeod Earth and Space Science
Who IS This Dude? Mr. McLeod (know the spelling!!) Mr. McLeod (know the spelling!!) CMU (Fire Up Chips!! Chip OOH AHH!) CMU (Fire Up Chips!! Chip OOH AHH!) MS/Biology MS/Biology Minor in Chemistry/Physical Science/Environmental Science Minor in Chemistry/Physical Science/Environmental Science BS/Business Minor in Economics BS/Business Minor in Economics 27 Years 27 Years Sarcasm Sarcasm
Note Taking Starts RIGHT NOW!!!! Starts RIGHT NOW!!!! EVERYONE needs a notebook ASAP EVERYONE needs a notebook ASAP Bring notebook to class every day Bring notebook to class every day How do I know when to take notes? How do I know when to take notes? 1. If its on the board in your notebook (no note taking on the computer!!) 1. If its on the board in your notebook (no note taking on the computer!!) 2. If I tell you to write it down write it in your notes 2. If I tell you to write it down write it in your notes Why should I take notes? Why should I take notes? Notes = review questions = quiz questions = semester exam questions Notes = review questions = quiz questions = semester exam questions What happens if I miss class? What happens if I miss class? Miss class get notes from a reliable classmate NOT ME!! Miss class get notes from a reliable classmate NOT ME!!
Classroom Setup Seating Chart (first 9 weeks) Seating Chart (first 9 weeks) Chairs (all down in 1st/all up in 7 th ) Chairs (all down in 1st/all up in 7 th ) Laptops/Cords (must bring them EVERY day) Laptops/Cords (must bring them EVERY day) Notebooks/Writing Utensils (bring everyday to class) Notebooks/Writing Utensils (bring everyday to class) Pencil Sharpeners (electric up front) Pencil Sharpeners (electric up front)
Book Distribution **Student responsible for THAT book at the end of the year-----SAME BOOK NUMBER!! Fill out info on Distribution Form Fill out info on Distribution Form First and Last Name in ink inside cover First and Last Name in ink inside cover Student is responsible for return Student is responsible for return $80 fine if lost $80 fine if lost $45 fine if damaged $45 fine if damaged
Computer Log On Username: ss08mcleodm Username: ss08mcleodm Password: morgan08 (can be changed by student) Password: morgan08 (can be changed by student)
Laptops Internet Agreement (must sign and turn into main office) Internet Agreement (must sign and turn into main office) Report Damage/Malfunctions Immediately!! (responsibility is yours) Report Damage/Malfunctions Immediately!! (responsibility is yours) We will use them EVERYDAY in class (Moodle, Discourse, Skyward, Virtual Labs, Website/Assignments) We will use them EVERYDAY in class (Moodle, Discourse, Skyward, Virtual Labs, Website/Assignments)
Home Computer and Internet Access Strongly Recommended! Strongly Recommended! Most assignments will be completed on computer Most assignments will be completed on computer Moodle (24 hour assignment access) Moodle (24 hour assignment access) Skyward (24 hour grade/attendance access) Skyward (24 hour grade/attendance access) Website (accessed through schools site) Website (accessed through schools site) Webmail (24 hour access to me) Webmail (24 hour access to me)
Printing NO PRINTING unless told to do so NO PRINTING unless told to do so 99% Paperless Classroom 99% Paperless Classroom Assignments/Tests/Quizzes will all be completed/turned in electronically Assignments/Tests/Quizzes will all be completed/turned in electronically
Attendance I Tardy: not in your seat BEFORE the bell begins to ring (no exceptions) Tardy: not in your seat BEFORE the bell begins to ring (no exceptions) Allowed 5 tardies per 9 weeks (Saturday School on the 6 th tardy) Allowed 5 tardies per 9 weeks (Saturday School on the 6 th tardy) Must have a signed pass to get into class late. (from where you came from or the office….no pass no class!) Must have a signed pass to get into class late. (from where you came from or the office….no pass no class!) No excuse for being late No excuse for being late NO HALL PASSES….unless an emergency NO HALL PASSES….unless an emergency
Attendance II Allowed 10 absences per semester Allowed 10 absences per semester After 10 must make up hours and may lose credit for the class After 10 must make up hours and may lose credit for the class Miss too much class = bad grade!! Miss too much class = bad grade!!
So…What Do We Do Everyday? Daily Planner on board each day (read it before you ask a potentially dum….I mean ill advised question!!) Daily Planner on board each day (read it before you ask a potentially dum….I mean ill advised question!!) Log On as soon as you get to class!! (unless otherwise instructed) Log On as soon as you get to class!! (unless otherwise instructed) Follow instructions on Daily Planner (front board) Follow instructions on Daily Planner (front board) Review Questions in Discourse Review Questions in Discourse Write question AND answers in your notebook (use it to study for the Friday Quizzes) Write question AND answers in your notebook (use it to study for the Friday Quizzes) Possible daily credit for answering review questions Possible daily credit for answering review questions We WILL have homework! We WILL have homework!
Grading Tools Quizzes Labs/Lab Reports 9 Week Exams Homework Study Guides
Weekly Quizzes EVERY Friday in Moodle EVERY Friday in Moodle questions (75% MC/25% SA) questions (75% MC/25% SA) ALL questions from daily review questions ALL questions from daily review questions Everyone should have 90% of the questions and answers to ALL quizzes. Everyone should have 90% of the questions and answers to ALL quizzes. Occasionally allowed to use notes/internet on quizzes (10% of time) Occasionally allowed to use notes/internet on quizzes (10% of time) Occasional POP quizzes Occasional POP quizzes
Weekly Quiz Mastering and Retakes (2 nd Try) Mastery = 70% or better on any quiz Mastery = 70% or better on any quiz Unmastered if less than 70% ELIGIBLE for a retake (retakes are optional) Unmastered if less than 70% ELIGIBLE for a retake (retakes are optional) Same exact quiz (average 2 quizzes together to get final grade) Same exact quiz (average 2 quizzes together to get final grade) 7 a.m. Wednesday mornings in my room is the retake day 7 a.m. Wednesday mornings in my room is the retake day Must arrange with me if there is a conflict Must arrange with me if there is a conflict
Make Ups (Absent) Make Ups (Absent) 2 days for every day of class you miss 2 days for every day of class you miss Make Up Quizzes are at YOUR convenience not necessarily on Wednesday morning (must arrange with me) Make Up Quizzes are at YOUR convenience not necessarily on Wednesday morning (must arrange with me) YOUR responsibility to set up date and time YOUR responsibility to set up date and time Yes you can retake a make up (taken on the regular retake dayWednesday morning) Yes you can retake a make up (taken on the regular retake dayWednesday morning)
Labs/Lab Reports Labs approximately every 2-3 weeks Labs approximately every 2-3 weeks Work in groups of 3-4 Work in groups of 3-4 Each lab = lab report Each lab = lab report Review Lab Report Format after first lab is complete Review Lab Report Format after first lab is complete Worth points (lab sheets/lab report) Worth points (lab sheets/lab report) Submitted in Moodle Submitted in Moodle
Standardized Testing EVERY 9 WEEKS!! EVERY 9 WEEKS!! Pre-Test First Week of each 9 weeks Pre-Test First Week of each 9 weeks 2 Mid Semester Exams, 2 Semester Final Exams 2 Mid Semester Exams, 2 Semester Final Exams Can take exams as many times as it takes to pass them Can take exams as many times as it takes to pass them Grade = 25% Mandatory Exams/75% rest of material in class (homework, quizzes, lab reports etc.) Grade = 25% Mandatory Exams/75% rest of material in class (homework, quizzes, lab reports etc.)
Homework Located in H:drive and my website Located in H:drive and my website All or Nothing All or Nothing Equivalent to 1/2 quiz grade each week (30-40 pts) Equivalent to 1/2 quiz grade each week (30-40 pts) Most low 9 week grades = not doing homework!! Most low 9 week grades = not doing homework!!
Study Guides Alternative to Reading Assignments Alternative to Reading Assignments Guided Reading (answering questions forces reading the material) Guided Reading (answering questions forces reading the material) Quiz Questions come from the Study Guides Quiz Questions come from the Study Guides Located in H:drive and website Located in H:drive and website Submitted to Moodle Submitted to Moodle Worth ¼ Quiz Grade depending on frequency (10 pts each) Worth ¼ Quiz Grade depending on frequency (10 pts each) Low Grade = not doing study guides Low Grade = not doing study guides
Grading Scale A A B B B C C C D D D E
Checking Grades Grades posted in Skyward each week Grades posted in Skyward each week Grade updates available online every week as well (by Friday at 3pm) Grade updates available online every week as well (by Friday at 3pm) Check your grade using Skyward!! Check your grade using Skyward!! Grade discussions happen before or after school not during class! Grade discussions happen before or after school not during class!
Semester Grade Components First 9 Week Grade (40%) First 9 Week Grade (40%) Second 9 Week Grade (40%) Second 9 Week Grade (40%) 9 Week Exams (20%) 9 Week Exams (20%)
Extra Credit 10 page typewritten research paper 10 page typewritten research paper 20 slide power point 20 slide power point Oral Presentation to the class Oral Presentation to the class Topic must be approved by second week of the 9 weeks Topic must be approved by second week of the 9 weeks Project must be presented before the end of the semester Project must be presented before the end of the semester Maximum of 100 points added to semester totals Maximum of 100 points added to semester totals 1 extra credit project per semester 1 extra credit project per semester
Grade Adjustments (Must have all of these!) Positive Participation + Positive Participation + Good Attendance (including tardies) + Good Attendance (including tardies) + Steady Improvement + Steady Improvement + Excellent Attitude Excellent Attitude
Classroom Safety (Know These Locations!!) Eye Wash Eye Wash Chemical Shower Chemical Shower Fire Blanket Fire Blanket Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguisher Sand Sand Steel Trash Can Steel Trash Can