1 NPSS Membership Development Update/Report to AdCom Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC,


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Presentation transcript:

1 NPSS Membership Development Update/Report to AdCom Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October During 2009, Membership Development (MD), consisting of the MD Committee and an international team of recruiters, was enlarged to include people from several IEEE regions. Excellent results have resulted from this change. Membership Recruitment at Conferences is being completed for 2009, right here and today, at the Orlando2009 NSS/MIC. Then: focus on Membership Retention, and planning for 2010.

2 NPSS Membership Development Committee (in alphabetic order): Uwe Bratzler (MD Chair) Peter Clout and Scott Fisher (Officers – MD Materials and Shipments) Christoph Ilgner (Immedidate past MD Chair) Vernon Price (Officer – MD Contact to IEEE HQ and to NPSS Treasurer) International Team of (12) Recruiters (2009, in alphabetic order): Uwe Bratzler (Germany, CERN and Tokyo/Japan) Dennis Brown (USA) Filimon Roukoutakis (CERN and Athens/Greece) Christoph Ilgner (CERN and Dortmund/Germany) Dan Jobe (USA) Albe Larsen (USA) Patric Le Du (France) Jean-Luc Leray (France) Vernon Price (USA) Altynay Togambayeva (Kazakhstan) Forest White (USA) Jie Wu (Germany and China) Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October 2009.

3 Results from Recruitment at 2009 Conference 1.Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver Canada Uwe Bratzler, Jie Wu: 249 Recruits 2.Real-time Conference, Beijing China -- Alberta Larsen: 42 Recruits 3.Conference on Plasma Science, San Diego, California Dan Jobe, F. Roukoutakis: 78 Recruits 4.Symposium of Fusion Engineering, San Diego, California Dan Jobe, F. Roukoutakis: 43 Recruits 5.Pulsed Power Conference, Washington, D.C. Dan Jobe, Forest White: 106 Recruits 6.Advancements in Nuclear Instrument Measurement Methods and Applications, Marseille, France -- Christoph Ilgner, Patrick Le Du: 16 Recruits 7.Nuclear and Space Radiation Conference-Quebec City, Canada Dennis Brown: 26 Recruits 8.Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, Florida: Uwe Bratzler, Vernon Price and Altynay Togambayeva: >170 (as of last evening) Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October 2009.

4 Some photos (of recruiters in action…) Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October 2009.



7  732 NPSS Membership applications actually submitted to IEEE HQ in 2009*** Note: The actual number of people recruited was even higher, e.g. in Vancouver not 249 but 270  difference (21) were either not-readable contact addresses, or not qualifying applications.  The estimated total of people ‘recruited’ on our 2009 Membership Booths was close to 1,000 (!) --- which was about 1/3 of our then current NPSS Membership of ~3,000. Since, of course, not everybody we talked to “had to” join…  That means: ~ thousands of individual conversations, informing about IEEE and our Society to our worldwide community in 2009! ***the number of then accepted applications, send by us (Vernon Price) to IEEE HQ may then be yet somewhat smaller due to some additional rejections. Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October 2009.

8 Update on NPSS Membership Statistics* (from Sep2009 MD Report) Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October Higher Grade Members 2009: 3, : 2,934 Change: Number: +349 Percent: +11.9% Student Members: 2009: : 72 Change: Number: +7 Percent: +9.7% Totals (with Affiliates) 2009: 3,413** 2008: 3,054 Change: Number: +359 Percent: +11.8% Totals (without Affiliates) 2009: 3, : 3,006 Change: Number: +356 Percent: +11.8% Affiliates 2009: : 48 Change: Number: +3 Percent: +6.3% *Data from monthly membership reports/Sep2009 report by John Day. **Including newly recruited members in October, at Orlando2009 NSS/MIC (as of Oct 29, 2009: >170): ~3,600+ (~17%); 2 nd largest growth of all IEEE Societies.

9 Membership Statistics by IEEE Region Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October 2009.

10 NPSS Membership by Region As of Sept 2009 Region # Northeastern USA - Region Eastern USA - Region Southeastern USA - Region Central USA - Region Southwestern USA - Region Western USA - Region Canada - Region 7 93 Europe, Middle East, Africa - Region Latin America - Region 9 40 Asia & Pacific - Region Grand Total 3413  63% North America (R1-7), 37% from outside North America (Regions ) *Data from IEEE HQ MD/John Day. Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October 2009.

11 What’s Next? Membership Retention/Integrating new members into our Society! [  Will keep you posted/will contact TC chairs in coming weeks.] Uwe Bratzler, IEEE NPSS Membership Development Chair – AdCom Meeting at Orlando2009 IEEE NSS/MIC, 31 October Also: improve recruitment process efficiency at conferences  minimize time (very busy) conference participants have to spent to fill in lengthy forms  investigate how we can include IEEE/NPSS ‘enrolment option’ in conference registration process.  plan a meeting/social for newly recruited NPSS members at our conferences. Also will consider: Setting up of a “CIP” table next to each of our recruitment booths, As It is currently done (very successfully) only at our NSS/MIC.